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Dylan Cameron

"I call the shower first" I say running through the front door

I can hear everyone groaning and calling after me as I run up the stairs and to the bathroom. We have plenty of bathrooms but i didn't wanna be the last to have a shower and the water to be cold by the time it was my turn.

"Babe! Open the door" Gavin says knocking on the door

I turn the water on before opening the door and he rushes in.

"What are you doing?" I ask

"I'm taking a shower. Duh" he says taking his shirt off

"And who said you could shower with me?" I ask playfully as he finishes undressing

"I did. Now get your cute but in the shower"


"Now you look hot" Gavin says

I had chosen a black a black sheer corset like top with black, ripped skinny jeans to match. My hair was down and straight for the night.

"That's what I was going for. I hope you're not planning on wearing that out" I say looking at his waist that is only covered with a towel

"Why not. Don't I look good?" He asks starting to pose

I give him a blank look as he continues. Don't get me wrong, Gavin is very good looking but I've already had a few run ins with girls wanting to get at him even though I'm clearly standing right there with him. I didn't find it funny at all.

"Just get dressed" i tell him before walking downstairs

I can hear the girls downstairs starting to pregame. I followed their voices until I reached the kitchen.

"Dylan! Come take a shot with us before we leave" Minnie says holding out a shot glass for me to take

I grab it from her, quickly downing it before another is placed in front of me. I give her a look at the sight of the glass sitting right there by my hands, waiting to be picked up.

"You gotta catch up. We've already had three" Lola chuckles

"How are we ready before all the guys?" I ask before downing the shot

My face goes sour as the bitter taste slides down my throat, leaving a burning sensation in my chest.

"That's actually a good question. I thought at least Gavin would be dressed by now" Isabel says as we all take our last shot together

"Oh no, he's too busy making jokes about wearing a towel out tonight instead of actual clothes" I tell them making me a drink

"Oof, someone sounds annoyed" Aspen says eyeing at me

"I'm just annoyed because of the amount of girls that are disrespectful. I hate having to deal with it" I say rolling my eyes

"Oh yeah. I remember you telling me about that one girl at the beach" Isabel says in disgust

"And the other at the mall who kept following and bumping into you guys" rain says

"Let's not forget the one who purposely spilled their smoothie on you and laughed before waking away" Aspen finishes off the list

"Exactly. I'm just tired of being an open target" I say rolling my eyes

"If you want, tonight if someone tries anything, we all will have a drink ready to throw" Lola says smiling sweetly

"And I'll be prepared to trip anyone if needed" rain says wrapping her arm around Lola

"I love you guys" I tell them laughing

"Okay, I don't know about you guys but I'm sick of waiting" Aspen says grabbing the ice bucket and heading towards the steps

We all look at each other before grabbing the other one and following behind her. We follow her into the bathroom Sean and David were in. Of course they both were still doing their hair and singing I'm the mirror as they go.

"How long does it take to finish getting ready?" Isabel asks as we all lean against the door way

"How are you guys ready before us?" David asks

"Because you guys are so busy with your hair and singing. We've been downstairs pregaming for at least thirty minutes now" I tell them

"There's no way" Sean says

"Way! Now hurry up or the next time you see us, this bucket of ice is going down your pants" Isabel tells them shaking the bucket up and down

They shudder before shaking their heads. We then leave them to find Chris and Gavin. We find Chris first who is sitting in a chair, putting his shoes on.

"Good, you're ready. At least one of you is" Aspen says smirking

Isabel kisses his cheek before following me to mine and Gavin's room. Before I had came downstairs, he still had to get dressed and finish doing his hair.

"What are you guys doing?" He asks looking at us through the mirror

"Well we've all been waiting for over thirty minutes for you guys to get done. We still don't understand how we finished before you guys did" Lola says

"And you're still not finished" Aspen says giving us a look

"I just have to finish with my hair and then I'm done" he says shrugging

"You have five minutes before this bucket of ice goes down your pants" i tell him as we all turn around

Before I make it out of the doorway, Gavin grabs my hand pulling me back.

"We will see you guys downstairs" Gavin tells the girls

They give me a look before leaving the room. Gavin turns me to look at him, bringing me into his arms.

"I'm sorry about the joke I made. I would never try to upset you on purpose" he says kissing my forehead

"I'm not upset about that. I'm just tired of being a target for crazy fans" I say sighing

"I know and I'm sorry. If you want, I'll be at the ready to throw a drink at whoever tonight" he says giving me a smile

I can't help but laugh. He sounded like the girls earlier but i appreciated the effort. I knew it wasn't his fault for all the things that has happened so far.

"We will cross that bridge when we come to it"

Stay // Gavin Casalegno (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now