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I push my glasses up and fold my hood over my head as I slam my door shut. I wrap my arms around myself trying to warm my cold chilled arms. I could hear the sounds of rushing water before a figure comes into view.  I can feel my cheeks heat up as he stand there, watching the sunset.

My heart speeds up as I inch closer to him. I tuck my hands into my hoodie pockets as I stand beside him.


He stands quietly, as if he didn't hear me. Judging from his posture, I can take note that he seems uneasy. Nervous even. My eyebrows scrunch slightly but I still say silent.


What's going on? Why'd
you call me out here?

I can't just wanna
hang out with my
friend? My best friend
at that?

Things seem to  go silent. An awkward silent. I fiddle with my fingers, trying to distract myself. It doesn't seem to work as my heart rate just seems to increase.

I can see Gavin turning his sights on me. He seems to study my face from head to toe. He doesn't give anything away as he continues.

What are you looking

I push my glasses up as he continues to stay quiet. He catches me off guard as he grabs my face connecting our lips. My eyes widen at the sudden movement. My best friend is kissing me. The guy I love is kissing me. Is there a possibility I could be dreaming?

Not wasting any time, I kiss back. We both seem to get lost in each other. My arms wrapped around him as he draws me in closer at the waist. Squeezing me impossibly close to his body.

I'm caught off guard when he pulls away quickly. His eyes stay trained on my face, starting from my eyes and down to my lips. His hands drop, he releases a deep sigh and walks away, leaving me more confused than I've ever been.

Stay // Gavin Casalegno (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now