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"Are you okay? Do you need more pillows?" Aspen asks frantically

"I'm fine. You can sit down and relax" I say laughing at her current state

"How are you feeling?" Lola asks taking the seat beside me

"I'm fine. Just happy to be out of the hospital" I tell her

"How's the arm?" Minnie asks walking into the room

"A little sore but nothing I can't handle. I have a meeting with Jenny and the producers tomorrow. I think they are trying to figure out what to do about the arm" I tell them

"Are you okay to still be working?" Aspen questions

"Yeah, my doctors cleared me and I can lose the sling in a few days. Thanks" I say taking my medicine from Gavin

"Well, at least we only have that last big scene to shoot and then we are done" Chris says flopping down on the couch

"Don't forget the wrap party, the red carpet premiere, and you guys have to go around promoting the show" Aspen lists off

"Ah, another red carpet" I say sarcastically

"And don't you guys have to walk it together? Considering you're dating?" Minnie questions

Me and Gavin stop and look at each. I give him a smile as he looks as if he doesn't know how to reply to her words.

"Mind sharing the carpet with my gimp arm?" I joke

"Wouldn't wanna do it with anybody else"

Stay // Gavin Casalegno (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now