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Gavin Casalegno

"Is there something you forgot to tell me?" Dylan asks as soon as I walk in the door

I notice she's now fully dressed and she's wearing a serious face as she looks at me.

"I'm sorry?" I say closing the door

"Is there something you forgot to tell me?" She asks again crossing her arms

I give her a confused look before it finally hits me. I was so worried about finally giving myself to her and taking care of her, I never had that conversation with her about my virginity beforehand.

"Oh" is the only thing that I can say at the moment

"Yeah. Oh" she mocks

"I swear I was gonna say something before we did it yesterday but it kind of just happened and I also didn't know how to bring it up to you" i tell her

"Even before yesterday, you could have told me you were a virgin. You didn't think that was a big deal?" She asks plopping down on the couch

"I swear I wanted to tell you but I didn't know how to bring it up. I'm sorry that I didn't. I should have even before we did anything" I say sitting beside her and grab her hand

She sighs running a hand through her messy hair.

"It's not the fact that you didn't tell me, it's the fact that you didn't feel comfortable enough to say anything to me" she says

"It's not that I felt like I couldn't. I was more embarrassed than anything but looking back on it, that's obviously a stupid reason" I groan

"It's not stupid. I understand you felt embarrassed but next time, please try and talk with me about it. Whatever it may be" she says grabbing my hands

"I promise you, I will" i tell her kissing her cheek

"Well, looks like we get to have breakfast together after all" she says smirking

"I think you scared everybody actually" I chuckle

"It wasn't intentional but it happens"


"So what did Dylan say when I dropped you back off this morning?" Chris asks

"She was upset which I understand but we talked about it and I think everything's okay now" I tell him taking a seat at the counter

"Are you sure?" He asks

"Yeah. Like I said, we had a talk about it and we worked it out" I assure him

"Just don't fuck it up again Gavin. Dylan loves you and you guys are really good together" Isabel says walking out of their bedroom

"I know she does and I really love her to. I promise we talked it out and everything's fine" I say trying to reassure them both

"Good because we were thinking since you didn't get to go with us last time, we could all go on a trip again" she says

"I'm up for it. Where to this time?" I ask

"We were thinking beach trip? Everyone can go this time" Chris says shrugging

"Have you guys told everyone else yet?" I ask sipping on my coffee

"I've asked if anyone had any plans maybe in the next couple of weeks. Aspen said she could go, Minnie is trying to see about her schedule, same with Sean, David, Lola and rain. What about Dylan? Do you think she'll be free to go?" Isabel asks

"I think she should be but I'll make sure to ask her when I get home"

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