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Dylan Cameron

After such a long day yesterday, it was starting to take a toll on me, I felt weird but I didn't really know how to explain it. We are currently taking a break from filming and I decided to come lay down in my trailer for the time being. I can hear my phone ringing as I get more comfortable on the couch but I have no energy to grab it from the counter.

"Knock knock. How you feeling?" Nick asks with rainbow, Sarah, and Milo behind him

"I'm still not feeling too hot. I'm hoping after a nap, I'll feel better" I say shrugging

"Do you feel sick?" Sarah asks

"I just feel like I have no energy and I'm kinda dizzy" I explain

"Should we get the doctor in here? You might be coming down with something" Milo says worriedly

"You don't look too good either Dylan" rainbow says taking a seat beside my feet

"No, I'll be fine. I'm gonna take a nap and see if I feel better then"


"Dylan? Hey Dylan? Can you hear me?" I hear a voice asks

Everything seemed blurry. Almost as if it was in slow motion like a movie. I couldn't tell if I was dreaming or not.

"She needs a doctor"

"Go get Lynn"

The world had started spinning and I couldn't help but release a groan at the pain I was suddenly feeling in my lower stomach.

"Dylan? Can you hear me?"

"I called the hospital and they said to bring her in"

"Milo can you help her up please and be careful. We can take her in my car"

I groan at the sudden movements. I'm lifted up and I know I'm being carried out of my trailer. I couldn't really keep up with where, what, and who was around or what was really happening.

"Sit her down gently"


"What's going on?"

"I'm not sure. She said she wasn't feeling well and went to take a nap but then, when we tried to wake her up, we found her like this"

"Put her on the gurney. We gotta get her to the back"


Waking up the second time around, I'm aware that I'm in an operating room. I can see a bunch of doctors wearing masks and a heart monitor beeping every few seconds.

"It's okay honey. We are gonna take care of you"

That's the last thing I can make out before a mask is placed on over my nose and mouth and I'm out once again.

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