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dylan gray

"ready for our date?"gavin asks entering my apartment

i finish teasing at my hair as he lays across my bed. i roll my eyes jokingly as his statement and the fact that he's so comfortable with being on my bed in the first place.

"i am" i say turning around

i had decided on a black mini skirt, a black and white sweater tucked in half way with stockings and doc martins to match.

"you look nice" gavin says smiling brightly at me

as i look at him, he's starting at me with a certain look that i know all too well. it was the same look from that night. the night he had kissed me and then he left.

"let's go" i say clearing my throat

i grab my bag, phone, and keys before heading out the door. i don't wait for him to catch up as i make my way to the car.

"wait up there dyl pickle" he says with a laugh running up behind me

i stop dead in my tracks at the nickname. he almost bumps into me as i turn to look at him.

"don't call me that"


"well that was fun. thanks for the date. i'll see you on set tomorrow morning" i say rushing to get into my apartment

"wait dylan" he says grabbing my arm

"yes?" i say looking at him

"what happened? everything was fine for the first five minutes and then you started acting weird. what's up?" he asks

"what's up? what's up is that the last time you looked at me the way you looked at me earlier, you kissed me and then you left me. we may be friends but we are not together for real. you don't get to look at me like that anymore. not anymore. not after that"

* also, i have another book out. you guys should read it. i'll probably start publishing more on that one like this one

Stay // Gavin Casalegno (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now