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my dad. that's all i can think about. my dad. they separated us as soon as we got to the hospital. i was out of it for most of the time when they were doing tests.

"okay miss cameron. your arm is broken in two places and your shoulder is dislocated as well. we've tried to pop it back but it doesn't seem like it wants to stay in place. i'm sorry but i think surgery is your best bet" the doctor explains

"okay but how's my dad? is he alright? nobody will tell me anything and it's killing me" i say wanting to know more

"i have no update on your father yet but i'm sure we will know something soon. i'm the mean time, we will start getting you prepped for surgery"


"can i see her? i know she just got into recovery but she's like a sister to me. i need to see her"

i groan from the pain shooting through my shoulder as i wake up. i can hear aspens voice not too far from my bed as she begs with the doctor.

"hi, nice to see you're awake. how are you feeling?" my doctor asks hurrying to my bedside

"i-i'm fine. my throats a little dry and my shoulder hurts but i'm fine. how's my dad?" i ask sitting up

"he's doing okay. he's in recovery. he had an obstruction and his leg is broken but he's doing just fine" the doctor tells me

"when can i see him?" i ask him relieved

"i think right now, you've both been through a lot. give it some time and i will personally take you to see him" she says squeezing my hand

i give her a smile before she walks away. i sigh feeling myself relax.

"hey, how are you feeling?" aspen asks with tears in her eyes as she walks through the door

i feel tears come to my own eyes as she comes closer. i pull her in not wanting to let her go. we both cry in each others arms as we hold each other closer.

"don't scare me like that. ever or i'll kill you myself" she mumbles into my ear

i laugh as she pulls away. i wipe my face as she stands there staring at me.

"how did you know?" i ask her

"they called me. almost gave me a heart attack which in turn i almost gave everyone else a heart attack because i was crying and blubbering like an idiot but i'm just glad you guys are okay" she says giving me a smile

"everyone? is everyone here?" i ask her

"god and everyone. although, i think gavin got here before anyone else did" she says with a joke

"he's here? can you go get him?" i ask her




i leave dylan reluctantly but i knew she would be okay alone for five minutes. i knew she really wanted to talk to gavin and that she needed to.


he looks up at me from his seat besides Mr. Gray. he let me go see dylan before anyone even though he wanted to be the first to see her. instead, he went to go see her dad and to make sure he was okay.

"how is she?" he asks coming up to me

"she's fine. she's asking for you" i tell him

he nods following me to her room. she ended up being a couple of doors down from her dad so it would be easier to switch between rooms.

he leaves my side as soon as he steps foot into the doorway. i can see tears in her eyes as he wraps his arms around her tightly.

"i'm sorry i've been an ass" he says

"i'm sorry you're an ass too" she says making them both laugh

i walk away leaving them to the talk i knew they so desperately needed to have.

"how is she?" lola asks as soon as i enter the lobby

"she's fine. her dad is too. her and gavin are talking now"

Stay // Gavin Casalegno (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now