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"i'm not hurting you am i?" gavin asks me worriedly

"no i'm fine. i promise but have you seen my dad? how's he doing?" i ask him

"he's doing good. he's still unconscious but the doctors said he took a hard hit so he might be out for a while" he explains to me

"i asked the doctors if i could see him but they don't think it's a good idea right now" i say

i can feel the tears well up in my eyes as i think about seeing my dad like that. he looked helpless and the fact that i couldn't do anything kills me. i just wanna see him.

"did we come at a bad time?" chris says knocking on the door

i pull away from gavin, wiping my face free of tears.

"no. i'm glad you guys are here" i say hugging him and isabel

lola and minnie are next, followed by sean and david. they all had brought either a balloon or flowers which i greatly appreciated.

"what happened?" lola asks sitting on the edge of the bed

"i don't know. this car just came out of nowhere. next thing i know, our cars is flipping on the side and all i can see if a paramedic trying to save me and my dad" i explain

gavin grabs my hand sympathetically. i was more worried about my dad than myself at the moment. i needed to actually talk to him to make sure he was okay.

"it's gonna be okay. he'll wake up soon"


"dylan. hey dyl, wake up" aspen says shaking me

i open my eyes to see the sun starting to rise. my machines are beeping and everyone's asleep except aspen and myself at the moment.

"what happened?" i ask sitting up

"your dads awake and they said it was okay for you to go see him now" she says with a smile

i remove the covers and can see that she has a wheelchair ready to go behind her. she helps me get in and we are off to see my dad. we approach his room and i can see him drinking a cup of water.

"dad" i call out

"bugs" he breaths out

i stop the chair before getting out of it and rushing towards me dad. i wrap my one good arm around him tightly.

"i'm so glad you're okay" he says squeezing me

"i'm sorry to interrupt. i need to take vitals again"


"How's your arm?" Gavin asks taking the seat closest to my bed

"A little sore. I have no clue how I'm gonna film wear this thing" I say pointing towards my cast and wrapped arm

"I'm sure they can find a way around it" he says as it goes silent

I can tell by the look on his face that he has something to say. He's had that look ever since he got to the hospital.

"What is it?" I ask making him look at me

"I'm sorry Dylan. I'm so sorry. I can't tell you how sorry I am and I can't apologize enough. I'm sorry for treating you the way I have and making you feel the way that I have. It was unfair and I'm an idiot. Could you ever forgive me and give me another chance" he says pleading

"I can give you another chance and I can forgive you but it will take time. I still can't believe you did that to me and I don't understand why you would" i say

"I know and I was stupid to ever do something like that to hurt you. I swear it'll never happen again. I've missed you so much Dylan" he says squeezing my hand

"You have a lot of making up to do then don't you. Friends?" I say smiling

Stay // Gavin Casalegno (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now