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Dylan Cameron

"Over already?" Gavin asks

"Yes thankfully. You ready to go?" I ask wrapping my arms around his neck

He smiles before kissing me and grabbing my hand. He opens the door, letting me in before jogging over to his door.

"So I was thinking, date night. Actually a double date with Sean and Minnie" he says resting his hand on my thigh

"Are they finally admitting they like each other?" I question

"More like Sean finally got around to asking her out but he's scared it'll be awkward" he says pulling into my driveway

"So you volunteered us for a double date?" I ask

"Is that okay?" He asks opening his door

He jogs around to my side, grabbing my bag from me and helping me out of the car. He shuts the door before grabbing my hand and continues on to the front door.

"It's more than okay. I think it's sweet. What time is this date and where?" I ask taking my shoes off

"Just wear something light. We leave after you're ready" he smiles

I smile back before placing a kiss on his lips. His eyes then travel from my lips, up to my eyes. His gaze almost makes me nervous but I don't break it.

"Please don't mount her on the counter. I eat my breakfast there" Aspen groans in disgust

"Really? Mount me on the counter?" I question in a joking manner

"Like you weren't thinking it" she snorts

I laugh at her remark before looking over at Gavin. His face is a light shade of red from our banter and it makes me want to squeeze his cheeks.

"What's for dinner tonight?" He asks changing the subject

Aspen gives me a look making me shrug in response. She leaves it alone before going back into her room.

"How about we order Chinese?" I suggest

"Just get me some chicken and broccoli please!" Aspen yells from her room

"And what would you like?" Gavin ask with a laugh

"The usual please" I say

He nods before kissing my head and heading out to get our food.

"Is it just me or was he acting a little weird when I mentioned him wanting to mount you on the counter" she asks

"You picked up on that too?" I say starting to clean up around the kitchen

"He changed the topic pretty fast, i couldn't help but pick up on it" she says

"I'm not sure. Maybe it's the fact that we haven't done anything" I shrug

"But it's been almost two months and even I can feel the sexual tension from you two" she tells me

"It's not that big of a deal. When it happens, it happens" I tell her

"Okay but when it does happen, please give me a heads up. I do not need to be in the same proximity when you guys are going at it" she says before walking towards the laundry room


"So this date tomorrow, you really can't tell me where we are going?" I question curiously

"I can give you a hint. It's something off your bucket list" he says taking our trash and throwing it away

I give him a look as I try to come up with something in my head. My bucket list had close to a hundred things on it and any one of them could be what we are doing tomorrow.

"That could be anything" i groan

"Exactly. Just let it be a surprise and enjoy it" he says before laying back down beside me

We watched SpongeBob as we ate and it was still going after we finished our dinner. I look over at the clock before deciding to go take a shower before bed.

"I'm gonna go shower" i tell him

I grab my towel and head into my bathroom closing the door. I turn on the shower and throw my towel into the towel heater before undressing and getting in. I start with my hair routine and then start on the rest of my body. Once that's finished, I rinse off and grab my towel.

"Hey Gavin!" I yell as I brush through my hair

"Yeah babe?" He asks from the door

"Can you bring me my clothes?" I ask

I hear a mumble before he walks away from the door. I braid my hair quickly before moving onto my skincare routine.

"I grabbed you some shorts and a shirt" he says

I wipe the water off my hands and open the door, grabbing the clothes from his hand.

"No underwear? Want me to go commando?" I joke

"Oh, sorry. One sec" he says

His face once again turns red before he disappears once again to grab a pair of my underwear.

"Can you grab a bralette too" I ask washing my face off

Hearing his footsteps, i turn around seeing him standing in the doorway with my underwear and bralette.

"Thanks" I say kissing his cheek and then closing the door

I throw on my clothes before taking the dirty ones and putting them in the basket outside of my bathroom.

"Are you staying tonight?" I ask

I grab my lotion from my vanity, waiting for an answer from Gavin. From what I can tell, his cheeks are now back to there normal color from what they were about ten minutes ago.

"If that's okay" he says looking over at me

"That's fine. You have some clothes in my closet for when you wanna shower" i tell him turning around in my chair

He nods before getting up and grabbing a towel. He disappears into the bathroom leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Stay // Gavin Casalegno (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now