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Dylan Cameron

"so why did we have to meet?" gavin asks as he holds the door open for me

"and why so early?" i ask folding my arms over my chest

"i'm so happy to see you guys. okay sit down" lindsey says with a wide smile on her face

"we have something very important we want to run by your guys. we've noticed a lot of fans from the show and from both you guys individually are really starting to love you guys being together" daniel, gavin's manager says smiling big

i look over at gavin with raised eyebrow. he mimics my expression with a look of confusion on his face.

"yeah. we are really good friends. what's the big deal?" i question

"well, we thought it would be a good idea if you two started dating" lindsey says with a smile

i almost choke on my own spit. i turn my head towards gavin and he looks stuck. physically stuck. almost like he was glued in place.

"just hear us out, it could be really good for both of you guys" daniel says trying to convince us

"i'm not sure" i say giving gavin a look of concern

"yeah, we just got back to being friends. i don't wanna mess that up" he says grabbing my hand

i give him a smile. i was happy to have him back as my friend but i wasn't so sure about being together romantically whether it was fake or not.

"come on guys. this could really help with the show and book sales. plus you'll get to spend more time together and it's not like it's real. just pretend and then after awhile, you can go back to being friends" daniel tells us

gavin looks over at me while squeezing my hand

"i'm okay with it as long as you are" i tell him

he gives me a look of uncertainty before shaking his head yes. that then earns a squeal of celebration from both of our managers.

"great. we are still putting together your appearances but we will get back to you guys by the end of the weekend. you also have a photo shoot as a first official couple"


"what just happened?" i ask as we sit in the car in silence

"well, it seems we are now dating" he says putting air quotes around dating

i don't say anything and just sit there. i'm contemplating my decision to agreeing with this. we just got back to being friends. what if it gets ruined again?

"we don't have to do it if you don't want to. we could always tell them" he says getting my attention

"can you at least promise me something" i ask

"anything" he says turning towards me fully

"promise me if we do this, it won't ruin our friendship like last time. i can't lose that again gavin" i say looking him in the eyes

"i can promise you dylan, nothing is gonna ruing anything this time"

Stay // Gavin Casalegno (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now