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Dylan Cameron

I was currently running late for girls day. Not only did I not wanna get up but Gavin didn't wanna let me go. It was cute after staying up for a while last night and just talking. We barely watched the movie but I had no complaints.

"You look cute" he says wrapping his arms around me from behind

I had decided on wearing shorts, my converse, and a pink sweatshirt but I tucked it under in the front making it look cropped. I decided on wearing my hair down, along with my glasses.

"Thank you. Hopefully shopping won't take too long and we can hurry up and meet at chris' before he gets done cooking" I say turning in his arms

"Go have fun with your friends. Pick out something cute" he says kissing my nose

"I'm always cute" i say rolling my eyes playfully

"True" he smirks

I laugh before pushing him away gently. I put away all my makeup and hair stuff before grabbing my bag and keys.

"Anything you want or need before I leave?" I ask him

"Kiss" he says puckering his lips

I smile before bringing my lips to his. He holds onto my face, deepening the kiss before biting my lip and pulling away. I pull away slightly shocked at his advances before he winks.

"Be careful and have fun"


"How are you ladies feeling?" Aspen asks smirking at us

"A little hungover but not as bad as that one day on set" Minnie shudders at the though

"I woke up with a headache but I'm just thankful I didn't puke at all" I say shrugging

"So how was your night with Gavin?" Lola asks

"After seeing how handsy you were last night, I know something happened" Isabel says looping her arm around mine

"Not really. We just got home, changed, I put on a movie, and then we just cuddled and talked for the night" I tell her

"Really? I thought at least something would have happened last night between you two" Aspen says

We were currently walking through the mall just to walk. We had already been to brandy Melville and forever 21 but as for now, we were just walking around aimlessly.

"I told you we are taking things slow" I shrug

"So you guys haven't had sex yet?" Minnie asks

I don't say anything as we all walk into bath and body works. A wave of vanilla and coffee hits me in the face as I walk over to the hand lotion display.

"Really? I definitely thought something would have happened by now, especially since last night" rain says

I shrug as we everyone starts going off trying to find different scents they liked. As I pickup a lotion with the label vanilla bean written on it, Isabel comes to stand right beside me.

"Is everything okay with you and Gavin?" She questions quietly

"Of course. Why do you ask?" I say putting some lotion into my basket

"I'm just making sure. You know he talks to Chris a lot about you guys" she tells me

"I knew they were close but what does he say?" I ask her genuinely curious

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