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Dylan Cameron

"Wake up babe" I whisper to Gavin

I had woken up earlier than I expected. I also happened to be the first one up. I brushed my teeth and made some coffee and breakfast so I could enjoy the sunrise as I eat. I, of course though didn't want to be up by myself. So here I was trying to wake Gavin up. All he does is groan, not moving a muscle. I roll my eyes before shaking him slightly.

"What are you doing?" He asks with his eyes still closed

"I'm the only one up and I wanna watch the sunrise with you" i tell him

He opens his eyes slowly, making a wide grin make its way to my face. His eyes slowly starts moving down, taking in the fact I was only wearing my bathing suit at the moment.

"Well this is a nice wake up call" he says sitting up and laying on his side

His curls are messy but in a cute way and he still has sleepy eyes. He looked adorable. His eyes had to be my favorite thing about him. Besides his hair.

"I know. Now get up and get dressed. I'll be out on the patio" i say giving him a quick kiss

I hear him chuckle as I walk away. I open the patio doors, feeling a slight breeze. I shiver slightly, wrapping my arms around myself. The stars and moon were still out but you could see the sun starting to rise in the distance. It was breathtaking.

"Cold?" Gavin asks while wrapping his arms around me from behind

"A little bit" I say leaning into his embrace

"You made breakfast?" He asks looking at the table set up with two plates of food and coffee

"I told you i wanted to watch the sunrise with you" i tell him smiling

He smiles, bringing me over to the table. Before I can take the seat beside him, he pulls me into his lap. He then wraps his flannel around me and leaves a gentle kiss on my shoulder.

"This is nice" he says

"I'm gonna miss this" i tell him

"I know but we still have a few weeks and then the time is gonna fly by"


"But they look so cute" Isabel whisper

"But she's the only one who can cook out of all of us" I hear Sean whine

"I resent that" Chris says in a hurt tone

"No offense bud but Dylan has you beat in the cooking department" Aspen chuckles

"Could you guys be any louder?" Gavin groans

We both ended up falling asleep in a layout chair. I don't see how considering the sun is out and brighter than it was when we first came out here.

"Yes" Sean says

I groan before sitting up from Gavin's arms. I stretch me arms seeing everyone dressed in their bathing suits and smiles on their faces as they stare at me.

"What?" I ask confused

"Could you please make us breakfast" David asks with puppy dog eyes

"Is this how it's gonna be the rest of the week?" Gavin asks yawning

"Give me five minutes and I'll be downstairs" i tell them with a chuckle

They all nod, leaving me and Gavin alone. Instead of standing up, I lay back down in his arms.

"Don't wanna get up?" Gavin asks squeezing me into a hug

"No. They can wait five more minutes" i yawn

He chuckles before leaning back in the chair with me still in his arms. I could hear the waves crashing and the breeze had picked up since earlier this morning.

"You know they are gonna be back up here in the next few minutes right?" Gavin jokes

I groan at the thought. I truly and honestly did not want to get up. I was more than comfortable in this moment right now. I hated the thought of even having to get up but I knew one of them would be back up here wanting me to come down and make breakfast.

"Let's go"


"Thanks dyl" Sean says stuffing his face with pancakes

"You're welcome but this is not gonna be an everyday thing for the whole week. I love you guys but I love sleep more" I tell them taking a sip of my coffee

"What" Sean asks pouting

"That's not fair" David says with a frown

"Life's not fair" i joke

"So, what's the plan for today?" Minnie asks taking a seat at the counter

"Boardwalk and then beach?" I suggest

"Or boardwalk and then some shopping?" Isabel says walking into the kitchen

"What time are we going out tonight?" Lola asks

"Is eleven okay with everybody?" Chris asks

"That's fine with me" Gavin says throwing his arm around my shoulder

"That means we should be back a little before eight if everybody wants to be showered and ready by the time we leave" rain says

"Sounds good to me. Let's go"

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