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Dylan Cameron

"So, the plan is we will fly to New York and stay for about three weeks and then we head the Milan. We should be there maybe a two weeks or longer. It depends on everything goes while we are there. We also have a new campaign for a new skincare line coming out. They want you to be the spokesperson. That meeting will be held on Friday morning" my manager explains

"When do we leave for New York?" I ask him

"We leave next Wednesday" he says

I stay silent as he continues on with our schedule for the next month or so. I didn't realize how busy I would be after the show ended.

"I will have my assistant email your itinerary for next Wednesday and I will see you Friday morning" he tells me before excusing himself to answer a call

I sigh before grabbing my bag and heading out to my car. I send a quick text to Aspen and Gavin that my meeting was over and I'm heading home now. I put my phone down, releasing a sigh before starting my car and making my way home. I was not prepared for the weeks to come. I could only imagine the exhaustion that would be setting in by my last day of traveling.

Once I'm parked, I grab my bag and head towards the front door.

"Hey! It's game night!" I hear as soon as I walk through the door

I give a lazy smile while removing my shoes and hanging my bag up. Our living room is packed with Lola, Aspen, rain, Minnie, Chris, Isabel, Sean, David, and Gavin. Everyone was dressed and ready for a night out while I was sporting a pair of joggers and a cropped black shirt.

"Long day?" Gavin asks taking my keys and bag from my hand

"Somewhat. What are we doing tonight?" I ask him

"We were thinking a sports bar. They have these mini games and the best wings ever. Feel like going?" He asks wrapping his arms around my waist

"Of course. Give me fifteen minutes" I say kissing his cheek

He nods, letting me go. I walk into my closet grabbing a pair of mom jeans along with a cropped white tank top and an oversized tan Nike jacket. I had showered earlier that day and the only thing I need to touch up was my hair and makeup. I take out my contacts before touching up my makeup and then I put my glasses on. I put my hair into a half up, half down style before throwing on my Air Force ones.

"Let's go"


"Oh come on" Sean groans as he misses another basket

Minnie can't help but laugh at his misfortune. As soon as we had got to the bar, Isabel ordered a round before we all decided to start on the games that surrounded the back of the bar. It wasn't packed in the slightest which all of us were more than thankful for.

"How about we go get another round before you break the machine" Minnie suggest while dragging Sean away

I laugh before stepping up to the machine and starting my own game. We all have had a couple of drinks but I think us girls have drank more than the boys had. I know a couple of us were feeling tipsy, myself included.

"Having fun?" Gavin asks with a drink in his hand

"Definitely. We should come here more often" I tell him as I make another basket

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