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Dylan Cameron

"it's not enough that i ran into him but now, now i have to spend all day around him tomorrow? what kind of cruel punishment is this?" i yell out

"calm down Dylan. it's gonna be fine. you don't have to talk to him or necessarily be around him" aspen tells me

"i know but what about lola? you don't think she's gonna notice the weirdness of it all?" i ask falling into my bed face first

"maybe. possibly but hopefully she won't notice when she's doing her scenes tomorrow" she says sitting beside me

i sigh, letting my thoughts rush through. hoping everything would go my way tomorrow and i would have to have a very uncomfortable conversation with lola that i would rather not talk about.

"you really wanna go tomorrow don't you?" i ask groaning

"yes and you would be the bestest best friend ever if you go with" she says while jumping on me

"fine but you are buying me Chinese for lunch tomorrow" i warn her


next morning

"good morning ladies! here is your coffee" lola chirps

i smile while grabbing my cup from her. i take the backseat while aspen takes the front. she barely slept last night due to her excitement. she woke me up earlier than what i planned but i couldn't be too mad with her. she is overall buying me Chinese for lunch.

"are you guys excited?" lol asks

"so excited. i can't wait to watch you in action" aspen says excitedly

"how about you dylan? you excited?" lola asks me while parking the car

"yeah i'm excited. i've never been on a set before" i tell her

"it's really fun. everyone's really nice. they are excited for you guys to be there today" lol says

"can i just ask, is chris single? he's is so hot" aspen says while fanning herself

lola and i give each other a look before laughing at aspen.

"i believe he has a girlfriend actually" lola giggles

aspen pouts as we walk into lola's trailer

"i think Gavin is single though. that is if you're interested" lola says looking at us both

i shake my head while rolling my eyes. the last thing on my mind was whether or not Gavin was single. i mean maybe a few years ago i would be wanting to know. that and if i had a chance but i don't think i could ever bring myself to giving him another chance.

"why did you make that face dylan? is there something wrong with Gavin?" lola questions

"no there's nothing wrong. i just, i don't think Gavin is my type. that's all" i say shrugging

aspen snorts but covers it up with a cough. i then look at her and roll my eyes.

"okay well, i'm going to get my makeup done and then i have to head over to wardrobe. i'll come get you guys afterwards" lol says heading out the door

aspen then turns to me giving me a look. i roll my eyes before shrugging her off.

"don't start"

Stay // Gavin Casalegno (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now