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Dylan Cameron

"I'm gonna miss you" i pout as Gavin holds me in the middle of the airport

After getting back from our beach getaway, we had some time that was spent together as well as preparing to start our new journeys without each other for the next few months. I was dreading having to leave but I was more than excited to start this new show.

"I know but I'll come visit soon and you can come visit me" he assures me

"I know" i sigh

"Flight to Vancouver is now boarding"

"That's you. Text me when you land and call me after you get settled" he says hugging me tightly

"I will. Please be careful. I love you Gavin" I say before grabbing his face and bringing his lips to mine

"I love you Dylan"


"Hello miss Cameron. I'll be your driver for the day. My names mark" a guy in a black suit says as I exit the airport

"Nice to meet you mark. Thank you" I say as he takes my bag

He opens the door for me before putting my bags in the back of the car. Once he's done, we are off to the hotel. On the way, I take in the views. I could definitely get used to it for the next few months.

I made it safely and I'm otw to my hotel. I will call you a little later. I love you


"How was your flight?" Gavin asks as I start unpacking all of my belongings

"It was good. I answered some emails and went over my script. I also got in a really nice nap. How was yours?" I ask him

"Horrible. There were at least three crying kids on the plane and some lady in front of me who insisted on her window being opened from the time we got in the air to the time we finally landed. I'm so tired" he groans

"Why not get a nap in?" I ask chuckling

"All of us are meeting in an hour for dinner and to go off exploring before we start shooting" he says

Before I can reply back to him, my door is thrown open by Sarah and rainbow.

"Hey girl. Just wanted to know if you'd like to go to dinner with us?" Sarah asks smiling

"She would love to. I'll call you later before you go to sleep. I love you Dylan" Gavin says smiling

He waves in the camera before hanging up.

"We didn't interrupt did we?" Rainbow asks worriedly

"No. Just catching up but I'll call him back later. So what about dinner?" I ask closing my closet door

"Milo found this Italian place so we are all gonna go out together before shooting starts in the morning" she explains

"Sounds fun. When are we all meeting?" I ask them

"Meet down in the lobby in an hour"

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