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Dylan Cameron

"hi" minnie says popping her head in with a smile across her face

"hey" i say getting up to hug her

"how's it going so far?" she asks

"kinda boring. we have been stuck in this trailer for an hour and a half waiting on Lola" i say pouting

minnie laughs a bit before bringing my pouted lips up into a smile with her fingers.

"you guys wanna walk around set with me?" she asks

"yes! please!" aspen jumps up yelling

i laugh following behind them as minnie point out what everything is. she then goes on telling us what scene they are doing for today. we are then interrupted by Gavin running up with a big smile on his face.

"hey guys" he says looking at each of us

"hey Gavin" minnie says

aspen gives a half smile and a little wave while i just settle on giving a half smile as well.

"are you guys excited about being on set today?" he asks me and aspen

"uh yeah. happy to be here with lola and some others" aspen answers looking between him and i

minnie gives a weird look looking between us. if nobody could feel the tension before, they would definitely be able to feel it now.

"well, i'll be right back. i need to find a bathroom" i say clearing my throat

i then step away in a hurry, not caring if i get myself lost. i just really needed to get away from that very awkward conversation.

"hi, you're dylan cameron right? i'm a huge fan" i hear behind me, stopping me in my tracks

i turn to see david. lola had told me about which character was being played but who but in that moment i couldn't remember to save my life.

"and you're david. lola told me what character you played but i can't really remember at the moment" i say chuckling

he chuckles before moving closer and bringing his hand up to meet my for a handshake.

"it's fine. i'm playing cameron, one of belly's many love interests. it's nice to meet you though Dylan" he says smiling wide

"it's nice to meet you too david. not to be rude but could you show me where the bathroom is? i'm kinda lost" i ask politely

"i'll do you one better, how about i show you where it is?" he says smiling widely

"sure. thank you" i say chuckling

he lets me walk first and joins right beside me. he still has a goofy smile on his face as he walks. stealing a glance at him, i can honestly say he was a very attractive guy and he seemed really nice.

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