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Dylan Cameron

"So how's that new season going?" Aspen asks

Everyone stays quiet. They all look at each other and shrug. Aspen looks over at me with a confused look as I look over to Gavin.

"Why is nobody answering the question?" I ask

"No reason but the new season is coming along" he says not giving too much away

It then falls silent again and it's more awkward than ever. I exchange looks with Aspen and Minnie as no one continues to say anything.

"Okay what is it? Is it because I'm not in the show anymore or something?" Minnie asks

"It's not you babe. Believe me" Sean says rubbing her arm

"Then what's going on?" Aspen asks

"It's the new cast member. They are a little weird" David says

"What do you mean?" I ask

Nobody says anything as the exchange glances once again. I roll my eyes over the fact no one wants to elaborate on what exactly is going on.

"Anyone wanna add to that or are you guys just gonna sit there?" Minnie asks

"We can't really explain it. You just have to meet them" Lola says

"Alright then. Speaking of actors, David. I saw the new movie. You play a psycho well" aspen says complimenting him

"Thank you. I didn't think the movie was gonna end the way it did but it was still pretty fun" he says smiling

"I think it would kind of be like a Bronx tale" I tell him

"I did too but it went in a completely different direction" he tells me

"Do you think a sequel will be made? A lot of the fans want another one" I tell him

"I'm really not sure but I know a lot of people are confused about whether or not I die at the end. I get asked a lot" he says

"I'm not gonna lie, i kinda cried cause I didn't know whether or not you did" Aspen reveals

This make the group laugh as her cheeks turn red due to the laughter.

"Okay, okay. What shall we do tonight?" Chris asks

"How about we stay home and play some games?" Gavin suggests

"That sounds better than going out honestly" Isabel says

"What about food?" Sean asks

Everyone looks over at me and I look at them with wide eyes.

"Homemade pizza?" I suggest

"You mean like fresh dough pizza? Like pizza pizza?" David asks

"Yes. I'll have to go to the store but I can make enough pizza for everyone" I say chuckling

David then turns to Gavin and puts his hands on his shoulders with a serious look on his face.

"I'm sorry but if you don't marry her, I will" he tells him

"Not a chance buddy" Gavin smirks before patting his shoulder

Gavin throws his arm around me, firmly placing his hand on my hip. Aspen gives me a look of approval before redirecting the conversation.

"While dyl goes to the store, some of us need to stay back and clean up a little. No offense but the house is looking messy you guys" she tells everyone

"How about Dylan and Gavin go and the rest of us can clean the house before they get back?" Chris says

"Sounds good. We will see you guys in a little bit"


"I was thinking of baking cookies later?" I suggest

"Chocolate chip right?" Gavin asks pushing the buggy

"And white macadamia" I say looping my arm with his

We go down the isle that had everything I needed for the pizza crust. I grabbed the flour, the yeats, oil, seasonings, and a bunch of different toppings.

"Anything else?" Gavin asks taking the ingredients and putting it in the cart

"I just need to get the stuff for the cookies and then we should be good to go" i tell him

He nods, grabbing onto my arm and leading me to grab everything for the cookies. Once we had everything, we checked out and headed back to the car.

"Do you at least like you're new cast mate?" I ask Gavin

"Elsie a good person. They are just different" he says choosing his words carefully

"Do you at least miss me being there?" I ask playfully

"Of course and I'll miss you even more when you leave for Vancouver" he says kissing the back of my hand

We load everything into the car and start heading back to the house.

"It's gonna be weird not waking up to you everyday" i tell him

"I know but we can always visit or FaceTime" he tries reassuring me

I smile before leaning my head against the window. He holds my hand the entire drive home as the radio plays silently in the back. The car ride is short as we pull back up to the house.

"You can go ahead and get started in the kitchen and I'll bring the bags to you in a minute" Gavin says opening my door

"Are you sure?" I ask him not wanting to leave him to carry everything in

"Yes. I'll meet you in the kitchen"

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