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"dinner is almost ready! chris, sean, and david can you guys set the table please" i yell into the living room

we all decided to stay in tonight. it was pasta night and then afterwards, we were gonna do some games as well.

"yes. what all do you want on the table?" david asks from beside me

"put the salad and those two bottles of wine on the table. make sure to clean it off though" i tell him

he nods grabbing the table cleaner. i finish up the pasta and take it off the burner. the garlic bread was cooling off and the boys had finished cleaning the table off.

"your instagram is blowing up" minnie says taking a seat on the counter

"how's that?" i ask washing up the last of the dishes

"everyone wants to know why gavin isn't with us. they already have their theories going" she says giggling

i stay silent as i clean off the sink and let the dirty water out. i grab the silverware and some napkins before bringing them over to the table. i sit between sean and aspen before we all say grace.


"that was amazing" sean says rubbing his belly

"who knew dylan was a great cook" chris says jokingly

i roll my eyes playfully as we all laugh at his joke. we were all sitting in the living room talking. we had a plan to play a few games but we were all too full to move.

"i'm glad you guys liked the food" i say sipping on my drink

"thanks for cooking" minnie says smiling

it all falls silent as nobody really has much to say. it kind of killed me that everyone seemed to be dancing around the subject of talking. especially when it comes to the subject of me and gavin. i knew they all wanted to know what i was thinking but right now, thinking was the last thing on my mind. i just wanted to relax before we got back to the chaos that is our lives.


"i've been looking for you" isabel says carrying two glasses and a wine bottle in her hand

"i've been here" i say bring my hand up from the water

after dinner, everyone went back to their rooms after a while. i had decided to take some time for myself. so i could think.

"thinking about gavin?" isabel asks

i nod. it goes silent again as my mind starts wondering back to the subject of gavin.

"i just don't know what to do about the situation. i think a part of me still loves gavin. even after everything that's happened. i know i forgave him but it's hard" i tell her

i take another big gulp of my wine, knowing i would regret it in the morning. i didn't really care at the moment but i would do anything to not think of my current situation at the moment even though i know it's impossible.

"what made this come up? i thought everything was okay between you two. even though i do think it's kinda weird you guys are having to fake date at the moment" she tells me

"our date. when he picked me up for our date, the way he was looking at me. it was the same way he was looking at me the night he just left. it took me back to the last few years. i just feel even if i do think about giving him a real chance, the same things gonna happen again and i don't think i can handle it" i tell her honestly

"i know it's hard and i know you have mixed feelings about it right now but i think you guys should talk. you should tell him how you feel and take it one step at a time. nothings gonna be solved unless you guys do talk. just talk to him when we get back"

Stay // Gavin Casalegno (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now