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Dylan Cameron

"Babe" I hear as I'm once again shaken awake

I was currently in a blanket cocoon with a heating pad trying to get rid of the cramps that are currently ripping me apart from the inside out. I didn't wanna be bothered with at all today.

"What" i groan from under my safe haven

"I brought you some cocoa" Gavin says sitting the cup by my bedside

I groan again, covering myself deeper. I feel the bed dip in beside me but I don't move from my current position.

"Are you hungry? Would you like anything to eat?" Gavin asks

I stay silent hoping he would take the hint that I wanted quiet time right now. Everything was currently making me more angrier by the minute and I knew it would be a matter of time before I ended up blowing up.

He releases a sigh before getting off the bed. I feel the blanket lift slightly, making a breeze sweep under before I feel Gavin's body next to me. He quickly brings me into his arm and throws my leg over his hip. I sigh in content at being in his arm and being engulfed in more heat than I already had.

"Is this better?" He whispers

I nod as he kisses my head


As soon as I open my eyes, I can tell the sun is setting from my window. I release a yawn before removing the blankets from my face. I turn over in Gavin's arms to see him still asleep. I smile as I see stubble growing from his chin and upper lip. It made him look older but he was still just as cute.

"Baby" I say trying to wake him up

I squish his cheeks, making him swat my hands away slightly before opening his eyes. He continues to stare at me before deciding to speak.

"Feeling any better?" He asks stretching

"I do. I'm sorry for being a grouch earlier"I tell him

"You were in pain. Don't apologize for something you can't control" he says kissing my hand

"We need to go grocery shopping" i tell him with a wide smile

"We don't have to do that tonight. We can wait in the morning" he tells me

"Are you sure?" I ask him

"Yes. What do you want for dinner tonight?" He asks

"Our pasta?" I suggest

"That sounds good. I can go grab the stuff if you want" he suggests

"I can order it online and have it delivered here. I don't wanna go out and I don't want you to leave" i tell him

"Are you okay?" He asks

"Yes but I would rather you stay here with me" i say hugging him tightly

"Okay. I need to shower but do you wanna go first?" He asks

"Why don't we ever take showers together?" I ask curious

"I don't know. It's just never happened before" he says shrugging

"Well obviously not now but we never do anything besides kiss. We haven't even had sex yet" I say sitting up on the edge of the bed

He doesn't say anything as he continues to stare at me. I give him a look waiting for him to respond but he doesn't.

"I promise it's not a rush but every time I think something's gonna happen, it doesn't. Is there something wrong?" I ask him

"No. I just, I don't want to do it" he shrugs walking away

I don't say anything as he disappears into the closet. He doesn't say anything much further and he doesn't elaborate at all. I decide to leave it alone and go shower before going to lay back down again.

I quickly do my shower routine before getting out and throwing on a pair of sweatpants and a random t-shirt. I didn't even waste time on my hair and decide to throw it up in a bun. I then go back to my room and lay down before turning on princess and the frog for the night. As the movie goes on, I can feel myself getting more and more sleepy. My eyes are almost shut before Gavin comes again.

"I have your plate ready babe" he says bending down meeting me face to face

"Im not hungry anymore. I just wanna sleep" I groan turning over

"You gotta eat babe" he says again

I don't say anything as I feel myself dozing off again.


"Good morning sunshine" Aspen says as I walk out of my bedroom

I groan at the sunlight before taking a seat at the island.

"How long have you been up?" I ask her

"Maybe thirty minutes. How was your day with lover boy?" She asks

"It was okay" I shrug

"What's wrong?" She stop eating and turns to me

"I don't know. I feel like he's acting weird towards me in a way. I ended up asking him why we have never done anything and he couldn't give me a straight answer" I explain

"What did he say?" She asks

"He just said he didn't wanna do it and I didn't wanna push it any further. I just left it alone, took a shower and then went to bed" i tell her

"It does seem weird but I think you guys just need to talk about it babes" he tells me

"I know but I just feel like there's something wrong with me. Am i not enough?" I question

After our conversation, I definitely started overthinking. I couldn't help it but my mind just went off on its own. I hated the thoughts that popped up in my head.

"No, there is nothing wrong with you Dylan. You shouldn't question yourself because of a conversation you've barely had yet. I know you can't help where you're mind goes but you shouldn't let it get to you"she says hugging me

I hug her back as her hold gets tighter around me. I knew it wasn't fair for me to get all worked up over something that may or may not be true. I'm hoping we will be able to have some sort of conversation and he can help ease my mind.

"Now go get dressed because we are meeting up with everybody for breakfast" she says shooing me away

I go in my closet grabbing a fresh pair of sweatpants, a cropped white tank top, and a cropped Jean jacket. I decided to throw my hair up in a ponytail and a hat. Instead of makeup, I decided just to wear my sunglasses and go on about my day.


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