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Dylan Cameron

"Babe. Babe wake up" I hear as Gavin shakes me awake

"What?" I groan turning over

"You've been asleep for almost two hours and the girls are wanting to know when you're meeting up with them" he says softly

I turn back over and see he's crouched down so he is eye to eye with me. I rub my eyes before sitting up in my bed.

"What time is it?" I ask him

"It's almost nine" he says kissing the top of my head

I groan before grabbing my phone to see the girls group chat filled with hundreds of messages.

"Is Aspen here?" I ask him

"She's in her room getting ready" he says walking towards the kitchen

I sigh knowing I need to get up so I can get ready for tonight. I still had no clue what I was wearing yet. I ended up picking out a pink skirt, along with a white halter top. Instead of heels, I decided on black converses to match. Once I'm done with that, I take a quick shower and do my skincare routine. Once that's done, I start doing my makeup. I decide on something natural so I just stick with concealer, blush, highlighter, and lipgloss. I put my clothes on and leave my shoes for last.

"Damn" I hear Gavin whistle behind me

"Thank you" i say doing a little spin around

"Maybe you should stay home tonight" he says licking his lips while looking me up and down

"Not tonight lover boy" Aspen says walking in and leaning against my room door

"Do you guys need a ride home?" He asks wrapping his arms around me

"I'm good" Aspen says smirking at her phone

"Then I will pick you up tonight. Call me whenever you're ready" he says kissing my forehead

"Okay. I'll see you later"


I like your outfit" Lola says as we enter the rooftop bar

"It's giving Barbie" Isabel says as I give her a spin

"Thank you. Thank you" I say posing

"Gavin almost didn't let her come tonight" Aspen says as we take a seat at a table

"Couldn't keep his hands off you?" Minnie asks

"Or eyes" Aspen says

"Shut up" I say playfully rolling my eyes

Rain goes to the bar before shortly bringing back a round of shots for all of us. After we down those, I go and grab another, as well as drinks for our whole table. I knew by the end of the night, I would defiantly need help walking to the car.

"Dance with me"


"Okay, one more round" I say slurring out my words

As time passes, I can no longer feel my face. As it weird as it sounds, that's exactly how I feel in the moment.

"I think that's enough for you babes" Lola says grabbing ahold of me

"Boo" I say frowning

I then take this opportunity to sneak away to the dance floor. I start moving on my own accord as another girl joins me and we dance together. I smile obliviously at the fact that my legs are basically like jelly at this point. I eventually get tired of dancing before I go take a seat at our table.

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