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Dylan Cameron

"How did you like the museum?" Gavin asks

"I really enjoyed it. It was definitely better than what I thought it was gonna be" i tell him grabbing onto his hand

"How about next museum is just us?" He asks pulling me onto his lap

I smile nodding happily at the idea of our next date being a museum date. I enjoyed being with everyone but with out loud group, I think we should have done something different.

"Love birds! Are you ready? Let's go eat!" Minnie yells from down the hall

I sigh before getting up from his lap. He intertwined our hands before making our way back to the group. Everyone starts heading out and walking down the street.

"How far is this place?" I ask Chris

"It's right here around the corner" he says turning

We are then met with a cute little diner that's decorated like it's straight out of the 50s. Sean holds the door letting everyone pile in.

"Sit wherever you like" the waitress named Peggy says

We take the biggest table and wait before she comes over to take our orders. To my surprise, she skates around the corner swiftly stopping before she bumps into our table.

"What can I get started for you guys" she asks

After giving her our drink orders, she gives us time before we decide on what we want to eat. I had decided on just a chocolate shake and fries. I wasn't really hungry and after my busy day, all I wanted to do was go home and get in bed.

"What are you getting?" Aspen asks

"I think I'm just gonna get some fries with my shake. I'm not really that hungry" I say shrugging

"Tired?" Gavin asks

I nod leaning against his shoulder as everyone continues on with their conversations.

"Aspen Spencer? Dylan Cameron?" I hear making my head pop up

Both Aspen and i turn seeing Greyson Salvatore. He walks up to our table with a big smile as we get up going to hug him.

"Dude, how have you been?" I ask him pulling away

"How' Ariana? I miss you guys" Aspen says frowning

"I've been good. Um, Ariana and I though, we sorta broke up" he says scratching the back of his neck

"Why?" I ask him

"Life. She was traveling for her job and I had school to worry about" he says shrugging

"Im sorry to hear that. I always thought you guys would be together forever" Aspen tells him

"It's fine. Life happens. Is that Gavin Casalegno?" He asks looking past me and Aspen

Gavin gives an awkward wave as Greyson walks closer to the table to greet him. Before Gavin left, we all used to be friends. He and Greyson actually used to be really close before Gavin moved.

"What's up dude" Greyson says doing their little handshake

"Im good. How are you?" He asks

"I can't complain. It's nice running into you guys" Greyson says smiling at us three

"Oh guys, this is Greyson and Greyson, this is Minnie, Sean, David, rain, Isabel, Lola, and Chris" I say introducing them all

Everyone waved before it goes quiet again. I then hear a child start crying before seeing a blonde heading our way with said crying child.

"Hey Grey, can you give me a hand?" She asks

"Sure, guys this is Sydney. Sydney, these are some of my best friends from high school. Meet Dylan, Aspen, and Gavin" he says introducing us

"Nice to meet you guys. Are you ready?" She asks Greyson

"Yeah. I will see you guys later. It was nice seeing you guys" he says before walking away

"Was that his kid?" Aspen asks me

"I have no clue. I haven't seen him since we left" I tell her

"It's a shame what happened to him and Ari though" I say sighing

"Who's Ari?" Gavin asks

"You remember that one girl from art class who was insanely talented with a camera?" I ask him

"They got together?" He asks in shock

Me and Aspen both nod.

"I didn't think he would ever actually have the balls to ask her out" he says impressed

"They were together all through high school. I know she got some modeling job and she travels a lot" Aspen says

"Good for her" i say proud of her

The rest of the night consists of talking about the museum and how next time we should do an escape room. It wasn't long before I started yawning that Gavin noticed.

"Are you ready?" He whispers

I nod before he tells everyone that we are leaving. He helps me up and to the car. Instead of me driving back, he ends up driving back which I'm more than happy to let him. Once we are home, i go to my closet grabbing one of his shirts. I take if my clothes and bra before putting his on.

"Oh sweet bed. Nothing like coming home to clean sheets" I say sighing happily

"Scoot over you goof" Gavin says jokingly

I scoot over letting him in. As soon as he's comfortable, I climb on him making him hold me like this morning.

"Is this a repeat of this morning?" He smirks

"I am way too tired" i says yawning

"I'm kidding. I love you. Go to sleep"

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