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Dean hit the mattress with a thud, Jenny jumping on top of him with a smile as she was dressed in an undershirt and underwear, Dean the same.

"It's nice that Sam stayed in the car. I think we should start getting our own motel room." Jenny suggested as she kissed Dean all over, his hands running up and down her body.

"That's— That's a good idea." He breathed out, looking up at her. He smiled for a faint moment, sitting up and holding Jenny down on his lap, the two kissing passionately as the soft hum of music played in the background.

Dean shifted, moving Jenny into the bed and towered over her, his necklace slapping her in the eye. She made an odd noise, clasping her eye and laughed, Dean chuckling awkwardly. "Sorry."

"It's okay." She smiled while staring at his lips, pulling him back into a kiss. "Totally fine."

Jenny wasn't going to lie to herself, she definitely missed Dean. Usually, they would get at least five minutes of alone time, which was never enough. But, since the gates of hell opened and Dean had sold his soul last week, they had been traveling all around america exercising demons, or Jenny being angry at Dean.

Of course, she had already done the most logical thing and attempted to get his soul back through bribery, but no demon would take anything unless it was Sam being dead. So, Sam had offered to do some research while he let Jenny and Dean have their "moment."

But, of course, Jenny and Dean were both finally getting to the fun part when Sam knocked on the door.

"Dean, Jenny you – you guys conscious? Bobby called, and he thinks that maybe we—" Sam spoke as he walked in, then proceeded to yell in horror.

"Jesus Christ Sam!" Dean and Jenny yelled in unison, covering theirselves up as Sam ran out of the room.

"Sorry! I didn't see your shadows I thought you were finally done!" Dean laughed, throwing his clothes on as Jenny did the same, a slight grin on her face.

"We were. Just going for round two." Dean winked at Jenny as Sam groaned in disgust.

"I didn't need to know that!"


Sam shoved the purple dragon out of his face, leaning forward from the backseat and tapped Jenny's shoulder. "Give me your knife."

"Why do you need my knife?" The woman frowned, looking at Sam, who had a serious, and still traumatized, look on his face.

"So I can gauge my eyes out."

Dean and Jenny scoffed. "Sam, you need to learn how to knock and wait for an answer instead of knocking while you're walking in." Jenny told the youngest Winchester, who huffed.

"Maybe learn to do it under th—."

"We've done it where you're sitting Sam." Dean interrupted his brother, who immediately gagged in disgust, searching for something. "It was a beautiful, natural act, Sam."

"It's a part of you both I want to stop seeing, Dean." Sam shivered in disgusted and Dean chuckled.

"Hey, I appreciate you giving ya a little quality time. With everything that's gone on—"

"I get it. You guys haven't had a single second alone together." Sam interrupted his brother, repeating the words Dean has told him a thousand times.

"Really? Well, I got to say, I was expecting a weary sigh or an eye roll, something."

"No, not at all. You guys deserve to have a little fun." Sam muttered, turning to look out the window. Jenny's small smile faded, looking at Dean as she reminded herself of the time they had left together.

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