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"Heat of the moment." Jenny sang through a mouthful of toothpaste, dancing as she turned to Dean, who was tying his shoelace. Sam sat up in his bed, Dean turning to him with a wide grin.

"Rise and shine, Sammy!" Dean yelled over the music. Sam looked to Jenny, who used her toothbrush as a microphone.

"Dude. Asia?" Sam asked
"Yeah, and if I ever hear it again I'm gonna kill myself." With that, Jenny walked over to the radio, turning the volume up.

"What? Sorry, couldn't hear you." Jenny yelled, continuing to jam along to the song. Sam laughed as Dean joined in. Sam shook his head in amusement.

Dean got up, going to the bathroom to brush his teeth as Jenny picked up her boots, putting them on as she continued to him to the music. "So, Sam. You get good rest?"

"I mean, I guess. Considering—" Sam cut himself off when Dean gargled loudly, smiling as he noticed Sam's bothered look. "—it felt like I haven't slept in days from our last case." Sam complained as Jenny laughed, a beaming smile on her face. She slapped her knees, looking at Sam. "You seem really happy."

"I am, Sam! We got a new case, it's really just a pretty day and it hasn't even started yet." Sam raised his brows and nodded at Jenny, who got up as Dean walked over to his duffel bag.

"Yeah. Yeah I guess." Sam gave Jenny a strange look, eyes widening when Dean pulled out a black lace bra and turned to his fiancé.

"This yours?" He asked cheekily and Jenny snatched it away, shoving her bra into her duffel bag. Dean chuckled in amusement, and took out his gun. "Bingo. Now, whose ready for some breakfast?"


Sam, Dean and Jenny walked into a local diner, with Jenny and Dean still smiling as the three found a booth. "Hey. Tuesday. Pig in a poke." Dean gestured to a poster, and Jenny looked, eyes widening.

"God I love bacon." Jenny mumbled as Sam chuckled, shaking his head.

"You guys even know what that is?" Sam asked as a waitress walked up to them.

"You three ready?" Doris asked, Jenny turning to her.

"Yes. I'll have the special, side of bacon and a coffee." Dean answered, and the waitress looked to Jenny.

"Same for me." Jenny said, eager for her bacon already.

"Make it three coffees and a short stack."  Sam said as Doris nodded.

"You got it." The waitress walked away, and Dean cleared his throat.

"I'm telling you, Sam, this job is small fry. We should be spending our time hunting down Bela."

"Okay, sure, let's get right on that. Where is she again?" Sam raised a brow, and Dean's smile dropped.

"Shut up."

"Look. Believe me, I want to find her as bad as you guys do. In the meantime, we have this." Sam pulled out some papers from his bag, and Jenny sighed.

"All right, so this professor, Dexter Hasselaback?" Jenny started as Sam nodded, reading.

"Dexter Hasselback was passing through town last week when he vanished."

"Last known location?" Dean wondered, trying to see Sam's papers.

"His daughter says he was on his way to visit the Broward County Mystery Spot." Sam handed Jenny a flyer, which had many physics and algebra questions on it. She frowned in confusion.

"Where the laws of physics have no meaning." She read aloud, and Sam shrugged. Doris arrived with a tray of coffees and a bottle of hot sauce.

"Two coffees, black, and some hot sauce for the—" Doris gasped as the hot sauce fell off of the tray, smashing to the floor.  "Whoops. Crap! Sorry." Doris apologized before turning to the back.  "Cleanup!"

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