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Dean and Jenny walked into a bar, looking around before they found Sam, staring down at a glass. "There you are. What are you doing?" Dean asked his brother as the two stood across from him. Sam shrugged.

"Having a drink."

"It's two in the afternoon. You're drinking whiskey?" Jenny took the drink and sniffed it, frowning. Sam took it back.

"I drink whiskey all the time." Sam argued numbly.

"No, you don't. I do." Jenny stated, Sam shrugged again.

"What's the big deal? You two get sloppy in bars. Why can't I?" Sam asked, Jenny tilting her head at how drunk he probably was. Dean looked around, noticing that the only woman in the bar other than Jenny was the waitress, who was much older than them.

"It's kind of slim pickings around here." Dean scoffed, turning back to his brother. "What's going on with you?" Sam shook his head, saying nothing as he looked completely lost.

"I tried, Dean." He mumbled, Jenny and Dean frowning as they leaned closer.

"To do what?" Dean asked.

"To save you." Jenny pulled back, looking at Dean with worry. Jenny pulled up two stools, and she and Dean sat down with Sam.

"Can I get a two whiskeys? Double, neat." Dean asked the bartender, who nodded.

"I'm serious, Dean."

"No, you're drunk." Jenny replied, and Sam shook his head, looking at Dean.

"I mean, where you're going... what you're gonna become." Sam scoffed, close to tears as he kept shaking his head. "I can't stop it. I'm starting to think maybe even Ruby can't stop it. But really, the thing is, no one can save you."

Jenny looked at Sam, unsure. She glanced to Dean. "What I've been telling you."

"No, that's not what I mean. I mean, no one can save you, because you don't wanna be saved. I mean, how can you care so little about yourself?" Dean frowned at his brother.

"Of course I want to be saved, Sam!" Dean snapped as he raised his hand, pointing to Jenny and his engagement ring. "You think I want to miss this?" Dean scoffed, smiling a little as Jenny knotted her brows.

"What's wrong with you?" Jenny and Dean look over to meet Sam's eyes, but before any of them get a chance to say anything else, Jenny's cell phone rang. She looked down at the unknown number, answering it with a frown.

"Hello?" Jenny looked to Sam and z dean, shrugging. "Yeah, this is Miss. Snyderson." Jenny's eyes suddenly widened in fear and she shot up from her seat. "He's what? Where? Where?!"

Jenny clicked her phone shut, snatching a pen from a waitress walking by and grabbed a napkin, scribbling an address on it quickly. "Jen, what's going on?"

"Bobby— Bobby he.. Oh my god." Jenny grabbed Sam and Dean, yanking them out of the booth before slapping a few twenty's on the table. She shoved the napkin into Dean's chest. "We need to go. Now."


Jenny sat next to Bobby's hospital bed, gripping his hand tightly as she stared at him. "Don't do this, Bobby." She whispered, rubbing his hand. A tear slipped from her eye with worry as a doctor walked in.

"So, what's the diagnosis?" Sam asked quickly as the man looked through a clipboard, shrugging.

"We've tested everything we can think to test. He seems perfectly healthy." Jenny turned to the doctor, frowning.

"Right. Because this is perfectly healthy." She snapped, turning back to Bobby with a hard gaze. She stood up, starting to but on her thumbnail, thinking.

SACRIFICE ³ - DEAN WINCHESTERWhere stories live. Discover now