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Jenny, Sam and Dean stared down at their arsenal. Among them lied the gun with the white handle Dean had been using over the years. Next to it, was Jenny's gun, her and Dean's initials still carved perfectly into the gold. Dean and Jenny picked up a clip and the three loaded their weapons in silence. Jenny looked to Sam, who seemed to have something in his mind.

Sam sighed after a moment. "We're just gonna let Ruby rot down there?"

"I would sure hope so, Sam." Jenny answered, shoving the magazine into her gun.

"Guys, what if, uh... What if Ruby's right? What if I can take out Lilith?" Dean looked up to Sam with an angry, doubting look. Jenny looked at Sam with a blank stare. "Quit looking at me like that."

"What, are you gonna give her the Carrie-stare and Lilith goes "poof"?" Dean asked in a harsh voice. Sam shrugged.

"I don't know what Ruby meant. You know, maybe we should just go ask her."

"We aren't asking Ruby anything. We got the knife, just like you wanted, Sam." Jenny spoke as Dean walked to another table.

"Just listen to me for a second. Last time Lilith snapped her fingers and put thirty demons on our ass, and all we got's one little knife? I mean, like you said, we go in smart or we don't go in at all."

"Well, this ain't smart." Dean turned to his brother, his lips pressed together tightly.

"We got one shot at this, Dean. Just one. So if there's a sure-fire way then maybe we should just talk about it." Dean walked towards Sam as he started to speak.

"Sam. We are not gonna make the same mistake all over again." He repeated for what was probably the sixteenth time. Jenny continued packing their weapons.

"You said that but what does it even mean?"

"Don't you see a pattern here? Dad's deal, my deal, now this? I mean every time one of us is – is – is up the creek the other is begging to sell their soul. That's all this is, man. Ruby's just jerking your chain down the road. You know what it's paved with and you know where it's going." Dean scoffed and turned around, sitting down against a table and picked up the weapons again.

Sam shook his head a bit and walked around to the other side of the table. "Dean." He sat down next to his brother, staring as Dean continued assembling his weapons. "What do you think is gonna happen? This is me, I can handle it." Sam scoffed. Dean and Jenny stopped what they were doing and Dean looked at the floor, shaking his head. "And if it'll save you..."

"Why even risk it?" Dean interrupted. Jenny glanced to him to see he was looking at Sam.

"Because you're my brother. Because you did the same thing for me." Dean scoffed and shook his head. "You know Jenny would do the same thing." Sam said as he turned to Jenny. Dean did the same.

"Would you?" Dean asked quietly. She nodded without hesitation. "That's the wrong answer."

"Why is it the wrong answer, Dean? Because I think it's right. I'd risk my entire families existence to keep you alive." Jenny sat down harshly, staring at him. Dean didn't say a word.

"You two are my weakness. You both need to know that. I'd be a robot if it weren't for you two." Sam and Dean glanced to one another. "And I know you both are the same for each other and me. You boys are my family. I'd do anything for my family.

"I know. And those evil sons of bitches know it too. I mean, what we'll do for each other, you know, how far we'll go? They're using it against us." Dean said as he started to choke up, looking away for a moment.

"So what? We just stop looking out for each other?" Sam asked, looking between the couple.

"No, we stop being martyrs, man. We – we – we stop spreading it for these demons." Dean picked up Ruby's knife. "We take this knife, and we go after Lilith our way. The way Dad taught us to. And if we go down, then, uh... then we go down swinging. What do you think?"

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