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Jenny aimed her gun at the back door of the precinct. Sam had taken the main office while Dean and Henriksen had taken the front doors.

"All set?" Dean shouted, Jenny cocking her gun.

"Ready!" She called out, taking a step away towards the door. Slowly, she knelt in front of the devils trap, pulling out a pocket knife and scratched at the paint before shooting back up.

At first, nothing happened. Jenny glanced to a tiny window where she had broken the salt line, but still, silence.

Suddenly, the door in front of Jenny burst open, and a demon tackled her to the ground. Jenny grunted loudly as she struck the ground, flipping the demon off of her. She shot the demon with her gun, looking over as two more demons ran in.

"Fuck me." She mumbled before letting out a loud yell, throwing herself at one of the demons. She grabbed the woman by the hair, slamming her head into the concrete floor several times before grabbing a flask from her pocket, drenching the demon in holy water.

The other demon grabbed Jenny by the arms, throwing her off the first demon, who was screaming in pain and sizzling. Jenny slammed her back into the brick wall, landing on her feet before once again throwing herself at the demon. The demon struck one of the holding cells, Jenny gripping onto the bars next to the two to knee the man in the gut a few times.

Jenny started to chant an exorcism in Latin between strikes, breathing heavily as the three demons, one being unconscious, all screamed and escaped from their meat suits. Jenny huffed loudly as the two conscious ones passed out, and she fell to the wall, gasping.

Another demon walked into the room Jenny was in. She groaned loudly. "Come ON! I'm doing this by myself in here give me a break!"

Jenny huffed as she sat up, grabbing her knife and flask, which did not have much holy water left. "Jennifer Price." The demon smirked. Jenny swallowed hard, outstretching her hands.

"One and only. You going to attempt something or what?" She asked as the dean shook his head.

"No. I've come to talk to you." Jenny frowned, standing up straighter and looked around.

"You what?"

"About Lilith. I think she will help you." Jenny's brows raised in confusion and she laughed, pointing at the demon with her knife.

"Now that. That's fu—" She cut herself off as she swung at the demon, slicing the man's cheek with her knife. The demon hissed in pain, turning back to Jenny with black eyes.

"The Crossroads Demon sent a message." Jenny froze in her spot, staring up at the talk demon. "You have two months to make a decision."

Jenny opened her mouth to ask more questions, but the demon escaped the possessed man before she could. The man fell to the ground, most likely dead.

She stared at the dead man for a while, looking to the other people, all of whose were actually dead. Jenny turned her head at the sound of struggling. Jenny picked up her shotgun from the ground, rushing out of the room.

Jenny walked into the hallway in time to see Henriksen swing at a demon with his rifle. He turned to Jenny. "I could use some assistance!"

"I just fought off four demons on my own!" Henriksen struggled as the demon gripped his shotgun. Jenny groaned, swinging her rifle up and striking the demon in the jaw. The demon flew up for a second before landing on the ground with a hard thud.

Jenny's eyes widened as she and Henriksen  entered the main office, where Sam was fighting with several demons.

Jenny turned down another hallway to see Dean struggling against a few more demons. She cocked her gun, rushing to Dean as she shot at them. She was able to knock three down before, once again, she threw herself at a demon that was about to take out Dean.

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