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Jenny and Dean stood outside of a suburban home together, dressed in their suits as they interviewed Mrs Walsh.

"Um, my daughter and I were in our beds. Mike was downstairs decorating the tree. I heard a thump on the roof and then I heard Mike scream. And now I'm talking to the FBI." Mrs Walsh stifled a laugh through her tears, wiping them away.

"And you didn't see anything?" Jenny asked in a more or less gentle voice. Mrs Walsh shook her head.

"No, he was... he was just gone."

"The doors were locked? There was no forced entry?" Dean questioned next. Again, Mrs Walsh shook her head. "Does anybody else have a key?"

"My parents. But they live in Florida." The three turned their heads as the front door opened and shut, Sam walking over to them.

"Thanks for letting me have a look around, Mrs. Walsh. I think we, uh, got just about everything we need. We're all set."

"We'll be in touch." Dean said as Mrs Walsh nodded, walking away. Sam joined him and Jenny as they walked back to the Impala.

"Agents." The three hunters turned back around.
"The police said my husband might have been kidnapped." Dean shrugged.

"Could be."

"Then why haven't the kidnappers called? O-or – or demanded a ransom? It's three days till Christmas. What am I supposed to tell our daughter?" Mrs Walsh cried, turning to the window, where her daughter was watching. The little girl ran away from the window.

"We're very sorry." Sam said before the three started walking away again.

"Find anything?" Dean asked his brother, who sighed.

"Stocking, mistletoe... this." Sam pulled something out of his pocket, opening his hand to reveal a tooth. Jenny furrowed her brows, slightly disgusted.

"A tooth? Where was this?"

"In the chimney." Dean and Jenny looked up at Sam, then to each other.

"Chimney? No way a man fits up a chimney. It's too narrow."

"And there's definitely now way he fits up in one piece." Jenny stated the obvious, shaking her head.

"Alright, so, if dad went up the chimney—"

"We need to find out what dragged him up there."


Jenny pinned a picture of a demon up on the wall of the threes newest motel room. Sam was busy searching the Internet for information about demons. The door opened, Sam and Jenny turning as Dean walked inside, carrying a brown paper bag.

"So, was I right? Is it the serial-killing chimney sweep?"

"Yep. It's, uh, it's actually Dick Van Dyke." Sam said as Dean frowned, confused.


"Mary Poppins?" His brother continued. Dean pressed his lips together, shaking his head.

"I'm so disappointed in you, Dean." Jenny said, Dean's frown turning to her.

"Well, it turns out that Walsh is the second guy in town grabbed out of his house this month." Dean walked over to the table Sam was sitting at, setting down the bag.

"Really?" Jenny raised a brow as she joined the two. Dean nodded in confirmation.

"The other guy get dragged up the chimney, too?" Sam asked. His brother just shrugged.

"Witnesses said they heard a thump on the roof. So, what the hell do you think we're dealing with?"

"Krampus." Jenny said, flashing a smile. Dean quirked a brow, scoffing. "I'm being serious! There's times of lore on anti-Santa's! I mean, there's Ebenezer Scrooge, Grinch, uhm... Sam help me out here."

SACRIFICE ³ - DEAN WINCHESTERWhere stories live. Discover now