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"So, Bela..." Dean slurred out and he turned to Rufus, who was clearly quite drunk.

"Hotel Canaan. Room 39. But watch your back." Rufus warned as Jenny hummed in amusement.

"I think we can handle Bela." She reassured, drinking the last of her scotch. Rufus chuckled.

"Oh, don't be so sure about that. There are things that you don't know about her."

"Oh, and you do? Right. Because you know things." Dean argued, shaking his head.

"Yep." Rufus answered in a more superior voice, smirking.

"And let me lift her fingerprint?" Rufus nodded. "And that got you jack."

"Yep. She burnt them off. Probably years ago." Rufus answered and Jenny shook her head in disgust.

"Yeah, so you're right where we are."

"Nope." Dean and Jenny gave Rufus a funny look. "You do her ear?"

"Sorry?" Dean raised a brow.

"You do her ear?" Rufus repeated. Dean and Jenny glanced to each other, unsure of what he meant.

"Hey, man, I'll try anything once, but I don't know. That sounds uncomfortable." Rufus gave Dean a dumbfounded look as Jenny shook her head.

"Ears are as unique to humans as fingerprints."

"No kidding." Dean mumbled.

"Of course, that don't fly in the courts over here, but in England, they're all over it. A friend of a friend...of a friend faxed me 10 pages of confidential files within a day. All I had to send him was one clean shot off the security camera."

"Right. One clean shot of her ear." Rufus picked up a folder, handing it to Jenny.

"The so-called Bela Talbot."


Bela entered her motel room as Jenny hid behind the door. She jumped out, shutting the door and slammed Bela into it, holding one of Bela's arms down and pointed a gun to her chin.

"Where's the Colt?" Jenny asked as Dean stood up from the kitchen table. Bela glanced to him, and then Jenny.

"Dean. Jennifer." Bela spoke calmly. Dean shook his head.

"No extra words." Dean snapped, going to stand near the two.

"It's long gone, across the world by now." Bela answered, still looking between them. Jenny pressed the gun closer to Bela's chin.

"You're lying." Dean grabbed Bela's bag from her hand, looking into it.

"I'll call the buyer. Speak Farsi?" Jenny reached behind Bela's waist, pulling her gun out and handed it to Dean. She flicked on the lights.

"Don't move." Jenny demanded before she and Dean started searching the room. Bela was left standing at the door.

"I told you I don't have it." The british woman reminded them. They continued searching.

"Oh, yeah, I'm definitely gonna take your word for it." Dean and Jenny turned their backs and continued rifling through Bela's drawers. Bela slid along the wall toward the door. A bullet went straight through it inches from her head and she froze. Jenny was aiming the gun at her.

"Don't. Move." She snapped. Dean continued on searching as Jenny stood in the middle of the room, still having the gun aimed at Bela.

"It's gone. Get on a plane if you must. Track down the buyer. You might catch up to him eventually." Jenny looked to Dean, who shook his head. She walked towards Bela, standing just a few inches away with the gun now fixated on Bela's forehead. "Are you going to kill me?"

SACRIFICE ³ - DEAN WINCHESTERWhere stories live. Discover now