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is anyone on dabloon tiktok right now? i have so many dabloons...

Jenny leaned out the window as Dean pulled into an alleyway by an apartment building. She looked down at the plates of a car before sliding back into her seat.

"These guys have to be really stupid to park in front of a security camera without blocking their plates first." She laughed, Dean and Sam nodding in agreement.

"Yeah. Let's go before they discover whatever was inside the box. Which was what, by the way?" Sam asked Jenny, who shook her head.

"A rabbits foot... A very dangerous rabbit foot." She answered quietly before grabbing her gun and stepping out of the car.

Sam, Dean and Jenny ran up the stairs leading to the petty thieves apartment, guns drawn as they stopped at the final door at the end of the hall. Dean glanced to Jenny, who nudged the door quietly.

"Locked. Hold on." She whispered, stepping back before kicking the door down with her boot. Sam and Dean ran in, cocking their guns.

"Freeze! Nobody move!" Dean bellowed, aiming the gun at the two men playing with a game of cards. Jenny did a quick look around, sighing in defeat as she came out of the kitchen with al the open box. "Don't tell me you guys—"

"Oh yeah. They opened it." Jenny turned to the two men, who were grinning. "You have no idea what you've done."

"You guys cops?" The bigger man asked, Jenny aiming her gun at him.

"Put the rabbits foot back in the box." She outstretched the box, and the man knocked Jenny's gun out of her hand, which then fired, ricocheting and struck Sam's gun. Sam yelled, throwing his gun, which slammed into Dean's face and threw him to the ground.



Jenny looked to the two before back to the man, who punched her in the nose. "Mother fucker!" She yelled, silently thankful that she still had those things lodged up there so it wouldn't break even more. But, the healing cut on her nose showed that it was still injured.

Jenny slapped the man across the face, then knees him in the dick. She looked around quickly, pointing at the rabbits foot just as Sam grabbed it. "No!"

"I got it!" Sam yelled as he got himself out of the man's grasp. Knocking him to the ground and stood up.

"No, you don't." Jenny turned as the bigger man managed to get ahold of her gun and aim it at Sam. He pulled the trigger, which did nothing as the gun had jammed. Sam laughed in victory as Jenny socked the man in the face, and he collapsed onto his friend. The gun that his friend was holding flew out of his hand and into Sam's.

Jenny took in a sharp breath, slouching in pain as she turned to Sam, still holding the rabbits foot. "What did you do?"


Dean walked over to the Impala with a paper bag in his hands, Jenny sitting in the front seat with a hard frown on her face. As Dean slid into the passenger seat, he took out a tiny stack of scratch cards out.

"I'm not finding anything on it in Dad's journal." Sam said as Jenny opened her journal.

"Because he didn't write anything down." She flipped a few pages to a slightly worn page, which had a drawing of the rabbits foot, a cross, and the talisman.

"Dean, come on." Sam grumbled as his brother handed him the scratch cards.

"What?! Hey, that was Jenny's gun he was aiming at your head, and her gun don't jam. So that was a lucky break. Not to mention them taking themselves out, also a lucky break. Here, scratch one. C'mon Sam, scratch and win!" Dean grinned as Jenny turned to Dean.

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