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"Okay. She hung up on Sam before he could finish his sentence. She won't answer my phone but she answers yours?" Jenny raised a brow at Dean, who shrugged.

"I think I'm a likable person." He winked at Jenny who rolled her eyes. She turned to Sam, who was passed out on the kitchen table. Jenny cleared her throat loudly, which didn't wake up Sam. Sam mumbled a strangely happy noise, Jenny frowning at the smirk on his face.

"Sam?" Jenny raised a brow, getting up from her and Dean's bed and walked over to Sam. She grimaced at the drool that coated his hand, poking him. "Samuraaaai." She mused, shaking him roughly. "SAM!"

Sam jolted awake, looking around as he wiped his face and hand on his shirt. "Dude, you were out. And making some serious happy noises." Sam glanced at Dean and Jenny, uncomfortable.
"Who were you dreaming about?"

"What? No one. Nothing." Sam answered quickly, Jenny gave him a concerned look.

"C'mon, you can tell us. Angelina Jolie?"


"Brad Pitt?" Sam glared at his brother as Jenny smirked.

"Was it Scarlett Johansson?" She nudged Sam jokingly, and he slapped her hand away.

"No. No! Dude, it doesn't matter."

"Whatever." Jenny and Dean mumbled as the brunette walked back over to Dean, plopping herself next to him on the bed. "I called Bela."

"Bela? Yeah? She- What'd she.. you know, say? She.. gonna.. help us?" Jenny raised a brow at Sam's awkward and embarrassed look, shaking her head.

"Shockingly, no, which puts us back to square one. I've been trying to decipher the doctor's notes. Unfortunately, he has worse handwriting than you do." Dean joked. Sam stayed in his chair, looking around. "You gonna come help us with this stuff?"

Sam shifted uncomfortably in his seat, Dean and Jenny staring at him oddly as he cleared his throat, turning away from the two. The couple shared a look.

"Yeah, yeah. Just give me a sec." Sam stretched awkwardly, pausing when there was a knock on the door. Sam turned his head to Dean and Jenny.

Jenny grumbled, getting up from the bed and walked over to the door. "You're right there Sam. You could have gotten it yourself." She glared at Sam, who cleared his throat nervously.

Jenny opened the door a few inches, peeking through. She glared in annoyance, opening the door more to reveal Bela. Sam turned away quickly.

"Ooooh." Jenny whispered before cackling loudly. She bent over, holding her side as Sam gave her a death glare. Jenny wiped a few tears from her eyes before exhaling sharply. "Oh, Sammy. You're gonna give me a heart attack."

"Shut up." He seethed as Bela walked in, giving Sam an odd look. He swallowed visibly, looking away again as Jenny continued to giggle. Her smile then dropped as she realized again.

"Gross." She mumbled, shutting the door. "But, understandable." She continued to herself, leaning against the door. Sam looked around as if he was trying to find something before simply dropping his hands in his lap.

"You all called me. Remember?" Bela said, looking at the three. Jenny hummed.

"I remember you turning us down."

"Well, I'm just full of surprises." Bela scrunched her face, turning to Sam. He lifted a hand to her, waving awkwardly over his shoulder, still staying half-turned to Bela and Jenny.

"Hey, Bela. What's going on?" Dean looked over to his brother as Jenny covered her mouth with a fist to stifle a snicker. Dean still didn't seem to catch on.

SACRIFICE ³ - DEAN WINCHESTERWhere stories live. Discover now