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sorry that i haven't updated in a few days i've been very sick. and i have also been trying to figure out how i'm going to write out Lisa and Ben because y'know— this is very difficult.

so i'm doing what i do best and make jenny a non-jealous bi-con


Jenny sat across from Sam in a generic, tiny diner. He was on the phone talking to Bobby, a conversation Jenny was not indulging herself in as she was too busy 'reading the menu.'

The menu was actually a diversion. She was actually reading a grimoire. A very dark, very dangerous grimoire.

The front door of the diner rang, Sam and Jenny looking up from their computer and book to see Dean walking in. Jenny dropped her grimoire underneath the table as Sam hung up his phone. Dean frowned at the two.

"Who was that?" Dean had asked Sam first. His brother cleared his throat awkwardly, shrugging.

"I was uhm... Ordering a pizza." Jenny gave Sam a dumbfounded look and Dean glanced around the diner.

"Dude, you do realize that you're in a restaurant?" Sam nodded, right-lipped and reeking of insincerity.

"Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I ... just felt like pizza, you know?" Dean raised his brows slowly sitting down next to Jenny.

"O-kay, Weirdy Mcweirderton. So, I think I got something." Jenny set the menu down, looking to Dean. "Cicero, Indiana. Falls on his own power saw."

"And? What, that's it? One power saw? Doesn't really sound like our kind of thing, Dean." Jenny scoffed. Dean shrugged, nodding.

"Well... yeah."

"And you still think that this is a case?" Sam questioned his brother, who shrugged again.

"Well, I don't know. Could be."

"I don't know, Dean...."

"Cicero..." Jenny mumbled quietly, thinking. Dean looked over to her. "Isn't that where Lisa Braeden lives?"

"Lisa Braeden?" Sam frowned, clearly confused as Dean and Jenny nodded.

"Yeah, you remember that trip I took like... Eight years ago with Jen?" Dean asked as he turned to his girlfriend, and Sam slowly nodded.

"Yeah... That five state, five day thing. Dad wanted you to teach her more about hunting or something."

"I'm literally right here." Jenny gestured to herself with a frown, Sam flashing her an apologetic smile. "Anyways, Dean and I mostly spent it back and forth with Lisa."

"Wait... You guys slept with the same woman?" Jenny and Dean looked at one another before back at Sam, nodding. Sam stared at the two, confused.


Outside a nicely kept suburban house, with festive balloons, Dean and Jenny stood outside awkwardly. "Are you sure this is even a good idea? I mean, not that I'm against reuniting with old friends before you die, but it kind of looks like—" The door opened before Jenny could finish her sentence to reveal Lisa. Dean and Jenny both looked at her for a moment, then back at each other. It looked almost as if Lisa had just simply not aged.

Lisa stared at the two, confused before she realized who they were. She let out a laugh, smiling widely.. "Holy shit! Jenny and Dean!"

"Hey Lisa. How's it going?" Dean greeted as Lisa continued to stare at the two, baffled.

"Wow. So, uh, how long has it been?"

"Eight— Nine years now.  Time flies, right?" Jenny chuckled, to which Lisa nodded in agreement.

SACRIFICE ³ - DEAN WINCHESTERWhere stories live. Discover now