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The Impala pulled into the lot and stopped just inside the entrance, Dean now on the phone with Bobby.

"All right, Bobby, thanks. Hey, we owe you... Another one." Dean awkwardly hung up the phone, turning to Jenny and Sam. "All right, Bobby's got it on pretty good authority that this Bela chick ... lives in Queens. So it'll take me about two hours to get there."

"So what are we doing here?" Sam frowned as Dean smiled thoughtfully.

"You, my brother and my darling girlfriend, are staying here 'cause I don't want your bad luck getting us killed."

"What?! Why do I have to stay here?" Jenny frowned, glaring at Dean.

"So you can make sure Sam doesn't kill himself." Jenny grumbled, turning back to Sam, who smiled awkwardly.

"I'm blaming you losing the foot as another year of bad luck because of that Bloody Mary case." She complained, Sam's smile quickly fading to confusion.


Dean unlocked the door of Sam and Jenny's new motel room and leads Sam inside, turning on a light as he walked in.

"What are we even supposed to do when you're gone, Dean?" Sam asked, annoyed. Dean immediately whipped around, pointing at Sam.

"Nothing! Nothing. Come here. I don't want you doing anything. I want you to sit right here." Dean pulled a chair into the middle of the room, forcing Sam to sit down. "And don't move, okay? Don't turn on the light, don't turn off the light. Don't even scratch your nose. Jenny, maybe play some Space Bal—"

"ABSOLUTELY NOT." Jenny yelled, startling Sam and Dean. "GOD if I hear that movie title ONE MORE TIME—"

"Woaaah Okay Jesus, Jen, relax." Dean frowned, raising his hands up in defense. "Play I Love Lucy, then."

"I love I Love Lucy." Sam smiled. Jenny shrugged, turning on the TV as Dean left. Jenny turned to look at Sam, who was scrunching his nose.

"Do you need my to scratch your nose, Sam?" Jenny asked, watching Sam fidget uncomfortably.

"No.... Yes." Jenny hummed in amusement, walking over and flicked Sam in the nose. "OW! What was that for?!"

"Being an idiot. Is your nose better?"

"Well it's not itchy but now it hurts!" He argued, holding his nose. Jenny paused, sniffing the air.

"Is something burning?" Sam's eyes widened when he leaned over and saw the air conditioner smoking.


"You know I really think that out of all the things Bela could have taken—"

"Jenny the air conditioner."

"It would have been the talisman. Guess a rabbits foot is better—"

"Jenny the air conditioner is on fire!"

"HOLY SHIT." Jenny ran over to the air conditioner, throwing a blanket over it in an attempt to put out the fire. "Get a fire extinguisher!" Sam stood up, only to trip over the chair and knock himself out. "God dammit Sam!"

Jenny yanked down on the curtains, putting out the fire of a moment. She sighed in relief, turning to Sam, who was still unconscious. She paused again, turning around to see two men staring at her. The men suddenly ran into the motel room as Jenny pulled out her gun, and was then tackled to the ground.

"Let me go you giant lugs!" Jenny yelled as she flailed her legs around. The two men laughed at her failed attempts and hoisted her up.

"Get a chair, Creedy." The main restraining Jenny laughed, Creedy grabbing the chair Sam had fallen over. The man holding Jenny taped her hands behind her back while Creedy attempted to tape her legs to the chair. He only ended up with a knee to the face.

SACRIFICE ³ - DEAN WINCHESTERWhere stories live. Discover now