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Jenny bit down on her thumbnail as she paced back and forth, one arm crossing her chest tightly. "Are you really sure it was your brother, Jenny?" Sam asked as he had situated himself at the dining table. Jenny scoffed loudly, raising a hand up.

"Well, I don't know, Sam. The only time I've ever actually interacted with my brother was when he was a fucking demon." She ran a hand through her hair, pausing to look out the window.

"What did he sound like?" Sam continued to question. Jenny stayed quiet for a moment, still staring out the window. "What did he say?"

"He just said my name. That was it." She turned back to Sam, then looked to Dean, who was slouching on their bed, staring at her. "Stop looking at me like that."

"Like what?" Dean asked defensively as Sam turned to his brother.

"Like I'm about to break down, Dean! I'm fine." Jenny plopped herself down at the kitchen table, shaking her head and shrugging. "I'm okay."

"Are you sure? You just got a call from your dead brother." Sam frowned at her.

"Who I barely have memories of that doesn't involve severe trauma."  She commented, looking between the two. "What the fuck is going on with this town? Why are people getting calls from dead loved ones? I didn't even love my brother."

"You didn't?" Dean quirked a brow as Jenny scoffed.

"No! You can't love someone you don't have good memories of. Nate was only a few years from moving out when our parents died, we never had a good relationship anyways." Jenny sink into her chair, thinking. "What if it is him, though? What do I even say if he calls back?"

"If he calls back?" Dean repeated, looking to Sam.

"Hello." Sam suggested, Jenny and Dean giving him the same strange look.

"Hello? That's what you want me to say? Hello?" Jenny stood up and grabbed her jacket, walking towards the door as she laughed under her breath. "He wants me to say hello!" She shut the door behind her, Sam and Dean giving one another worried glances.


After around three hours, Jenny had gotten back to the motel with a determined look, throwing her jacket off of her shoulders. "You boys find anything?" She asked as the two sighed, shaking their heads.

"After three hours I have found no reason why anything supernatural would be going on here." Sam grumbled, Dean turning to look at Jenny.

"Well, you know, you'd think a Stanford education and a high school hook up rate of zero point zero would produce better results than that." He grinned, turning back to Sam, who gave him a bitchface.

"Hilarious. You didn't find anything either." Jenny say between the boys, slapping a pamphlet down on the table.

"I think you two haven't searched the right places then, yet." She smiled at the two as Dean grabbed the pamphlet, frowning.

"And what are the right places, Jenny?" Sam rolled his eyes, turning to Dean as he flipped the pamphlet around.

"The motel pamphlet rack, obviously. Milan, Ohio. Birthplace of Thomas Edison." Jenny stated as Dean handed his brother the papers, and he flicked through them.

"Yeah, right. So what?"

"Just keep reading." Jenny waved her hand. Sam scoffed and shook his head, but did so. After a few moments, Sam's eyebrows rose and he turned to Jenny, who was smiling and nodding z

"You're kidding."

"Not one bit, Samurai."


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