To Sam

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Dear Sam. The boy with duct tape and safety pins keeping him together. Do you need superglue now?

I knew when you opened your eyes again what Dean had done. I knew that there was no other explanation. You had been dead for hours. I watched you die. I knew he sold his soul.

Honestly, I really wanted to believe it was a miracle, but I knew it wasn't. I knew Dean was going to die when you lived. And I didn't want that. Because God knows if I let your brother die... Well, I wouldn't be the shoulder for you to cry on. You need Dean more than you need me.

I'm sorry that I did this. But I feel like it's the right thing to do, you know? I'm supposed to save people. That's what a Hunter does. Even if I die, at least someone else got to see the sunrise. And of course Dean is always the one that says 'what's dead should stay dead' so make sure he actually listens to himself. Don't let him do this twice. Please.

But just because I did this doesn't mean I don't love you. Of course I love you, Sam. You're my little brother. You were supposed to be my little, freakishly tall brother in law. I wish it happened.

I wish I got to see you grow some gray hairs on your face. I wish I got to see you finally get out of this life like you wanted. I wish I could see you be happy again.

I want you to do a few things for me. My dying wish, as dead people put it. Don't go off the grid. I know you will if I don't say anything. And don't ditch your brother. Because if there is even the smallest chance I come back, I'll punch you to the next galaxy.

And don't go down a dark path. If you already have, well then screw you. I'll still punch you if I come back. And you best believe your ass I'll find a way to come back.

How about getting a dog? I know Dean hates them, but he's definitely the kind of guy that will love it after a week or so. Can you name the dog Miracle? I've always wanted a dog named Miracle. Just don't get the dog near the Impala. I don't want it smelling like wet dog.

Don't forget to check in on Dean every once in a while, alright? Don't abandon him like I did.

And don't stop going after Lilith. Kill the bitch for me. Those are my dying wishes, Samurai.

See you around little brother, Buggy

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