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Jenny was close to slamming the door shut as she joined Sam on the sidewalk, grumbling in annoyance as she walked next to him. "This is bogus. I mean seriously, Sam, we're wasting our time."

"Okay Jenny. I get it." Sam sighed as she glared up at him, shoving her hands into her pockets. "Look, we just need to keep searching. Someone's gotta know something on how to save Dean."

Jenny rolled her eyes as she and Sam walked across the town square and towards Dean, who was at a bench finishing a phone call and food. Dean tossed two cans of sodas to Jenny and Sam, standing up.

"So?" He asked through a mouthful of food as Jenny looked at her soda for a moment.

"Professor doesn't know jack shit. Like I said, we are wasting our time." Jenny gave Sam a tight, agitated smile, revealing her dimples before dropping the smile. "We shouldn't have come here."

"Jen, I know you're upset about this—"

"I'm not upset, alright? I'm pissed the fuck off. Give me your keys." Dean frowned at Jenny as she outstretched her hand.


"Because I want to shotgun this soda to feel something." Sam gave Dean a worried glance as he slowly held the keys out. Jenny snagged them and turned to a trash can, snapping a hole into the bottom of her can and popped it open, downing the entire can in a few sips. She tossed the can into the trash and turned back around. Sam and Dean raised their brows.

"How did you bu—" Jenny cut Sam off by letting out a loud belch, exhaling sharply. Dean's brows raised even more. "Burp."

"Wow. Alright. Pack your panties, Sammy and Jen, we're hitting the road."

"What? What's up?" Sam asked as Dean waved his phone.

"That was Bobby. Some banker guy blew his head off in Ohio and he thinks there's a spirit involved."

"Kinda sounds like a suicide." Jenny shrugged.

"So you two were talking a case?" Sam asked at the same time Jenny spoke, and Dean shook his head.

"No, we were actually talking about our feelings. And then our favourite boy bands. Yeah, we were talking a case!" Dean snapped sarcastically, Sam giving his brother a bitchface.

"So a spirit, what?"

"Yeah, the banker was talking about some sort of electrical problems at his pad for like a week. Phone was going haywire, computer was flipping on and off." Sam and Jenny nodded slowly. "This is not ringing your bells?"

"Well, sure, yeah. But, Dean, we're already on a case." Sam scoffed and his brother gave him an odd look.



"Right. Yeah. Well, you coulda fooled me."

"What the hell else have we been doing lately other than trying to break your deal?" Sam asked a little harshly and Jenny hummed.

"Chasing a mouse into a tiny hole, shoving a shotgun in said hole only to shoot yourself in the head because the shotgun bent into another hole." Jenny clasped her hands together and smiled up at Sam.

"Can you not talk about Tom and Jerry for two seconds?" Sam asked. Jenny looked up in thought, still smiling before it dropped.


"Sam, we've talked to every professor, witch, soothsayer and two bit carny act in the lower 48. Nobody knows shit!" Dean raised his voice, huffing. "And we can't find Bela, we can't find the Colt. So until we actually find something, I'd like to do my job."

SACRIFICE ³ - DEAN WINCHESTERWhere stories live. Discover now