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Back in the motel again, Dean sat at the kitchen table, sharpening Jenny's machete on a whetstone while she and Sam were cleaning their guns beside him.

"That vampire's still out there." Sam stated the obvious as Dean examined Jenny's machete. He frowned at the handle, digging through his duffel bag that layer at his feet.

"First things first." Dean said, slouched over and facing away from the two as a quiet scratching noise came from beneath the table. Sam and Jenny glanced to Dean for a moment before going back to cleaning.

"Gordon." Sam sighed, and Jenny shook her head, clearly annoyed.

"There are three people I hate most in the world: Bela Talbot, Gordon Walker, and Ellen Degeneres." Sam and Dean paused, turning to Jenny, who glared into an abyss, shaking her head. "That woman is hiding something."

"Yeah... Anyways. When we find Gordon, or if he finds us... Well I'm just saying he's not leaving us a whole lot of options." Dean shrugged, setting the machete down as Sam nodded.

"Yeah, I know. We've got to kill him." He said calmly, almost shocking Dean and Jenny.

"Really? Just like that? I thought you would have been like..." In a mocking, whiny voice, Dean continued. "No, we can't, he's human, it's wrong."

Sam shrugged. "No, I'm done. I mean, Gordon's not gonna stop until we're dead... or until he is." Dean's phone rang, and he picked it up, a scowl crossing his face.

"What?!" He started angrily, Sam and Jenny startled by the shout. "You're a hundred miles away. How the hell did you—" Dean was cut off, rolling his eyes. "And? ... Thanks." After a moment, Dean looked at the phone thoughtfully before hanging up.

"Who was that?" Jenny raised a brow, putting her gun back together.

"Bela. She knows where Gordon is." Sam and Jenny exchanged a look.


Dean, Sam and Jenny crept down the steps into a room they assumed Gordon had been held in. The bodies of girls are still hanging, headless, and Dixon, the vampire that had turned them all, was kneeling in front of the girls, tears streaming down his face. Jenny took a knife from the table and approached him slowly.

"Go ahead. Do it. Kill me." Dixon begged, which caused Jenny to pause, turning back to Sam and Dean.

"What happened here?" Sam asked softly, a confused frown on his face.

"Gordon Walker. I never should have brought a hunter here. Never. I just... I just wanted some kind of revenge. Stupid... exposing him to my family."

"Oh, yeah, you're such a family man." Dean scoffed.

"You don't understand." A tear slipped from Dixon's eye. Dean shook his head.

"I don't want to understand, you son of—"

"I was desperate! You ever felt desperate?" Dixon asked, noticing the look that suddenly crossed Jenny's face. The look that crossed Dean's. "I've lost everyone I ever loved. I'm staring down eternity alone." Jenny shifted, side eyeing Dean for a moment. "Can you think of a worse hell?"

SACRIFICE ³ - DEAN WINCHESTERWhere stories live. Discover now