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As i'm writing this i'm arguing with my mother in an attempt to let her let me drop out. just thought i'd throw in a piece of my life so you may one day talk about it on a random tiktok about wattpad authors.

update: it's been a day my moms over it she dgaf anymore. i won.


"No man left behind!" Ed yelled in an attempt to stop Dean from pushing him to the door. Everyone quickly went silent when an anguished scream echoed in the house.

"That was Corbett." Ed told Harry, who looked around with worry.

"That was Corbett! Corbett!" Ed shoved his way past Dean, following Maggie and Harry up the stairs.

"We'll get him! Go back!" Dean yelled, going to the stairs.

"Guys! Shit!" Sam slapped his hands to his legs and sighed in annoyance. Jenny clicked the table. She turned to Spruce, who was aiming the camera at her.

"The fuck you aiming that thing at me for?" Jenny started walking towards Spruce and he let out a scared yelp. Dean rushed to Jenny, pulling her back.

"No!!!!" Everyone turned to the stairs at Corbett's horrified scream. They all looked to one another before sprinting up the stairs.


"Corbett's... He's not here." Sam said, letting out an exhausted breath. Jenny flipped open her phone, showing the time to Dean.

"We have one minute till midnight." She closed her phone and pointed to the hallway that lead to the stairs. "We need to leave. now."

"No. No. No. But that's Corbett. No, that was Corbett. Didn't you hear that?" Harry objected as Jenny shook her head, grabbing Harry by the shoulders.

"We need to leave." Jenny repeated as she at as ted ushering everyone down the hallways.

"Here we go. Here we go. Keep it moving. Keep it moving." Sam said as he led the group. There was another loud scream and everyone froze, looking around.

"Corbett?" Ed called out and Sam moved his hand to him. He looked to Dean.

"Watch him." Dean thumped Harry with his flashlight when he didn't move with everyone else.


"Let's go!" Dean shouted, gesturing for Harry to get a move on.


"Oh, god, what's happened? Oh, god. He's gone. He just disappeared." Ed panicked, breathing in heavily as he started to pace.

"Okay, let's just go through all the angles. Let's go through all the cameras we have." Harry suggested as he and the Ghostfacers gathered around each other.

Sam looked down at his watch. "Well, it's 12:04, Dean. You good? You happy?"

"Yeah, I am happy." Dean said sarcastically and turned to Jenny. "What about you, Jen?"


""Let's go hunt the Morton house," you said, "it's our Grand Canyon."" Sam mocked his brother, who rolled his eyes and raised a hand to his brother.

"Sam, I don't want to hear this." He complained as Sam went on.

"You got two months left, Dean. Instead, we're gonna die tonight." Jenny looked to Sam, then to Dean and turned away, hiding her awkward look.

Sam walked over to the middle of the room and picked up a chair, smashing it against the sealed front door.

"Whoa! what the hell is going on guys?" Spruce yelled, moving the camera to Sam.

SACRIFICE ³ - DEAN WINCHESTERWhere stories live. Discover now