Dear Reader, From Jenny

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You weren't expecting a note, were you, Reader? I wasn't expecting to give one to you, either, but, like they always say, 'Save the best for last.'

My name is— was Jennifer Price, though I guess you already know that, too. Currently, I'm 28 years old. I didn't grow up normal, and if you had gotten this far into my story, you know that life gave me the short stick.

When I met Sam and Dean, I had lost everyone I cared about. I lost my parents, my friends, and my brother. The only person taking care of me, I didn't even know. But then a '67 Impala rolled up to Bobby's house a few weeks later, and my life had changed completely.

Sam and Dean taught me how to love again. And I'll forever thank them for that. They gave me another home. Another place to go to when I didn't know what to do.

I want to thank you for being here on my journey. Thank you for laughing with me, crying with me, and possibly being angry with me, too. Thank you, even if I have never seen your face.

But I know you exist. Somewhere, out in this beautiful and scary world, you are reading this letter from me, and simply existing. You took time out of your day to read about my life, and my death.

But my life is over now. The pain won't stop, I know that. I'll go through things I may never talk about.

My story has come to an end. But that doesn't mean yours has to, right? You can go on and live your life. You can let yourself be happy, even if it's not now. But someday, you'll feel happiness again.

Do something that I couldn't. Live. Even if it's not for me, and it's not for Sam or Dean. Live for yourself. For the parents who may or may not be proud of the person you are becoming. For the friends that have stayed by your side, and for those that have left but still linger in your mind.

Live for the strangers that will never know you, and for the ones you have yet to meet.

I believed my purpose in life was to protect the strangers I had yet to meet. To protect the family I had made. I believe your life has a purpose, too. You just have to be willing enough to find it.

This is my grand goodbye to you.

Thank you, Reader. For staying with me until the very end.

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