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"I don't understand, Dean. Why not?" Sam argued as he sat in the middle of the Impala's backseat, leaning on the front.

"Because I said so." Dean bickered back, Jenny frowning at him.

"We got the Colt now! And Jenny has that talisman and her Dagger!"

"Which could kill her!" Dean snapped, turning around to face Sam for a split moment before turning back to the road.

"We can summon still the Crossroads Demon." Jenny started, Dean glancing to her.

"Jen. We're not summoning anything."

"We can pull the gun on her, and force her to let you out of the deal!" Sam stated, poking the seat harshly as if his point was valid.

"We don't even know if that'll work!" Dean argued loudly, raising a hand ups

"So we shoot the bitch! If she's dead she can't keep the deal!" Jenny suggested as Sam gestured to her.

"We don't know if that'll work either, Sam! All you two are pitching me right now is a bunch of "ifs" and "maybes" and that's not good enough, because if we screw with this deal, you die, Sam!" Dean continued to speak in an angry, extremely bothered tone.

"And if we don't screw with it, you die!" Sam and Jenny stated in unison. Dean only shrugged.

"Sam, Jenny, enough! I am not going to have this conversation with you both." Dean warned as Jenny scoffed.

"Why, because you said so?"

"YES, BECAUSE I SAID SO!" Dean shouted, Jenny's eyes widening in shock. She stared at him silently for a moment, clenching her jaw tightly. "I'm doing what's best. And you both going to let this go, you understand me?" He continued, his voice still raised but not to the extent of his previous argument. Jenny continued to stare at Dean angrily, turning away from him and flipped her phone open.

Sam turned away as well, moving the giant dragon to the passenger side to lay on it. Dean sighed quietly as he heard the Tetris theme song fade to silence.

Dean hummed in defeat, his voice now lowered to normal. "Tell me about the psychotic killer." Both Jenny and Sam ignored Dean, who rolled his eyes. "C'mon, guys, tell me about the psychotic killer."

Jenny huffed, shutting her phone and dig through the glove compartment, pulling a paper out and read in a monotone voice.

"Psychotic killer... rips victims apart with brute-like ferocity." Jenny shrugged, seeming unshaded by the possible chance they were hunting a werewolf.

"Okay... any mention of his razor sharp teeth or his four-inch claws? Animal eyes?" Jenny shook her head.

"No. But the lunar cycle's right. If it's a werewolf, you two don't have long, moon's full this Friday and that's the last time it changes for a month."

"Us two? You wont tag along?" Dean asked, Jenny stayed quiet, crossing her arms and turned back to the window.

Sam glanced to Jenny with a solemn look, knowing that it wasn't her fear of werewolves that was stopping her from working this case. If anything, Sam could tell Jenny wasn't afraid of them anymore. But she was afraid of befriending the thing they were hunting.

"I'll just help with research." She mumbled, handing the paper to Sam.


Sam was able to convince Jenny to at least talk to the only surviving victim of the attack. The three Hunters stood at the edge of Kyle's hospital bed. Dean, Sam and Jenny.

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