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Dean pressed the towel to his wound, sitting on the bed next to Sam and Jenny, all of them looking increasingly bored, and worried.

"We're like sitting ducks in here." Sam complained as Dean sighed, checking his wound.

"Yeah, I know. Would it kill these cops to BRING US A SNACK?!" He shouted. Jenny stood up on the bed, looking out through the tiny window.

"How many you figure are out there?" Sam asked her. Jenny shook her head.

"It's hard to tell. I can't see anything." She huffed, sitting back down.

"However many they are, they could be possessing anyone. Anyone could just walk right in."

"It's kind of wild, right? I mean it's like they're coming for us. They've never done that before." Dean smiled, shaking his head. "It's like we got a contract on us. Think it's because we're so awesome? I think it's 'cause we're so awesome." Jenny and Sam looked at him, unamused and Dean's smile dropped.

Melvin walked in after a few more moments and unlocked their holding cell. "Well, howdy, there, sheriff." Dean greeted, and the three stood up when Melvin opened the door.

"Uh, sheriff?" Sam raised a suspicious brow. Melvin sighed.

"It's time to go." The three Hunters stepped back in unison as Melvin walked into the cell.

"Uh... you know what? We're – we're just comfy right here. But thank you." Dean laughed, clearing his throat as Henriksen appeared at the door of the cell.

"What do you think you're doing?" Melvin spun around.

"We're not just gonna sit around here and wait to die. We're gonna make a run for it." He stated firmly, but Henriksen shook his head.

"It's safer here."

"There's a SWAT facility in Boulder." Melvin backed away as Henriksen walked into the cell.

"We're not going anywhere." He whipped out his gun and shot Melvin in the head. The three Hunters tackled Henriksen, dragging the man to the toilet, where Jenny shoved his head into the bowl. She started chanting in Latin as Henriksen's face sizzled.

Phil ran into the room, picking up his rifle as Dean grabbed the agents gun and aimed it at Phil. "Stay back!" Dean shouted as Henriksen lifted his head out of the water, yelling in agony as his face burnt. Jenny grunted, shoving his head back down into the toilet bowl and continued the exorcism. "Hurry up, Jennifer!"

Henriksen lifted his head back up, revealing his demonic eyes. "It's too late. I already called them. They're already coming. They're coming for you." Jenny hesitated for a second before forcing his head back into the toilet bowl, finishing the exorcism. Henriksen screamed as black smoke escaped his mouth and into the ceiling vent.

Jenny exhaled sharply, falling back against the bed, panting.

"Is he... is he dead?" Nancy asked, Jenny turning to her. Henriksen coughed as he quickly regained consciousness.

"Henriksen! Hey. Is that you in there?" Sam asked as he lifted the man up. He moved to the bed, sitting down as Jenny stood up.

"I... I shot the sheriff." Henriksen said, baffled. Jenny and Dean looked to one another, pausing before a smirk appeared in their faces.

"But you didn't shoot the deputy." They joked in unison. Sam glared at the two in disbelief. Henriksen sucked in a sharp breath.

"Five minutes ago, I was fine, and then..."

"Let me guess. Some nasty black smoke jammed itself down your throat?" Dean raised a brow, and the agent nodded slowly.

"You were possessed." Jenny explained shortly, and a little blunt.

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