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Romona grumbled something under her breath as she stared out of the tiny window in her jail cell. Her cell mate, Miranda, had decided to ditch her to get an extra serving for lunch rather than stay in the room and rant about her family. Romona didn't mind, though. Miranda was annoying.

"Singer. Your 1 o'clock is here." Romona groaned in annoyance, walking towards the door. She shoved her hands through the slot, the cold cuffs slapping against her wrists before the door opened. "Three more days, and somehow you're getting out of here."

"What, you'll miss me?" The woman asked with a heavy accent, smirking. The officer rolled his eyes, pulling her out of the cell and to the visitation room.

Robert sat at a table that Romona was quick to sit at, smiling softly at her husband. "Three more days. Do you still have any information on those three from '79?"

"No. Absolutely nothing but the girls last name. Price."

"Like the Men of Letters? The Dagger? Jeremiah has a daughter?" Robert shook his head, frowning.

"No. But the way you described how they were talking. I think they may be from the future." Romona's eyes widened partially, although she wasn't that surprised.

"It does explain how they disappeared after getting on the train. No one even noticed them get on in the first place. They were just there." Robert nodded at Romona's words, watching as she rested her head in her hands, thinking. "But how did they get there and why?"

"I'm not sure, Mona. But, no one has seen or heard of them since that day, so I think we should stop worrying about them and focus on the fact you'll finally be out of here."


Jenny hummed quietly to the tune of her Tetris game, which she was now speeding through it, Dean watching with wide eyes over her shoulder.

"How do you move that fast?!" He asked, to which Jenny shrugged as she stuck her tongue out slightly, deeply focused on beating her very high high-score.

"Shouldn't you be melting that metal over there?" Jenny asked, eyes still fixated on her game as Dean rushed off, now leaving his her and Bobby in the room.

Jenny groaned in frustration as she lost her game, clasping her phone shut. "I don't think I'll ever beat my high score."

"Don't doubt yourself, Jenny. You've been playing that damn game longer than you've known me." Bobby laughed quietly as he cleaned the Colt, shaking his head.

"It's been out since 1984. I'm not that obsessed with it..." Jenny mumbled the last part, standing up.

"Yeah. Twenty-three years that game has existed. And you've played it since day one." Jenny rolled her eyes at Bobby. There was a soothing silence between the two, save for the clicking of metal against metal as Bobby kept cleaning the Colt. "You find anything that could save Dean and keel Sam alive?"

Jenny stayed quiet for a moment, glancing over to Bobby before taking in a deep breath. She shook her head. "No. Not yet." She lied, sitting back down.

As Dean walked back in, ready to turn the metal he had melted down onto bullets, Sam walked in. "Hey."

"Hey Samurai." Jenny smiled to him before pulling out her gun, taking it apart.

"Hey, what's up?" Dean motioned to Sam, who shrugged.

"Might've found some omens in Ohio. Dry lightning, barometric-pressure drop." Jenny frowned at Sam, flicking something off of her gun.

"Well, that's thrilling." Dean said sarcastically, Sam deadpanning at him for a moment.

SACRIFICE ³ - DEAN WINCHESTERWhere stories live. Discover now