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Jenny walked towards the Impala with a determined pace, almost throwing the trunk open and stared down at her dagger. The blade glowed with excitement, almost as if it knew what was going to happen.

She grabbed the dagger, feeling a bright wave of energy flow through her for a moment before tucking the blade behind her, walking back into Bobby's. She drank from her flask, walking past the living room quietly.

The four other Hunters were arguing again about what they should do, which probably left Jenny enough time to get her question and get out. She snuck into the back room, where Envy was being held, a devils trap painted above him.

"So you know who I am, huh?" Envy grinned. Jenny stayed quiet, staring at him with a deathly glare, arms crossed tight to her chest. Envy looked her up and down, laughing. "You think you're intimidating amongst the three out there? Oh, you're so cute."

Jenny spat a stream of holy water she had been swishing in her mouth at the man, and he groaned loudly in pain. She raised her brows at him, a small smile on her face. "I don't have to be intimidating to kill you." Slowly, Jenny reached behind her, pulling out her dagger. Envy glanced down at the glowing dagger, then back up at her.

"Oh my." He chuckled as she stepped towards him. "That's not what I think it is, is it?"

"Oh, you mean one of the only two things that can actually kill a demon like you? No. No, definitely not." Jenny walked behind the man, gripping his hair and pressed the dagger to his throat. "How to I cancel a deal that can save two lives?"

"What? What do you— Agh!" Envy huffed as Jenny sliced his cheek, pressing the knife back to his throat.

"Tell me how. To cancel a deal. And save two people." She repeated quietly, not wanting to alert the other four Hunter's that we're talking in a different room.

"I don't know! I'm not a filthy crossroads demon!" Envy spat, holding his breath as she pressed the dagger closer to his neck.

"I can feel the wrath radiating off of you." Envy laughed. Jenny paused, glancing down at the man as she tried to cool herself down. "What, are you angry I don't have an answer for you? Or angry that your boy toy is going to die and you can't save him?"

"Choose your words carefully." Jenny threatened, gripping his hair tighter.

"You think you're any better than me, Jennifer." Envy laughed, sucking in a deep breath. "Just wait. Soon, you'll be angry at Dean. And I'll feel it. Every blood cell of yours seeping with envy that he died first. Wrath will pleasure himself with how furious you will be. Gluttony will consume you more than the alcohol you drink. Greed will follow you to the ends of the Earth when you try so hard to win every battle you fight."

"Shut up." Jenny's breath quickened as she shook, the hand on her dagger trembling as she truly caught back to killing the demon.

"Pride will stand by your side as you send demon after demon back to the fiery depths of Hell." Envy only laughed again, clearly believing that Jenny couldn't kill him. "They'll find me. And send you to Hell before Dean can scream 'hellhound."

Jenny sucked in a sharp breath, looking straight at the door as she slowly carved the dagger into Envy's throat. "No. They won't."

Envy gasped as his eyes flashed, blood pouring out of his wound and onto his clothes. He writhed around for a moment as if he could escape. Jenny held his head still, face contorted in anger.

After a moment, and Envy was clearly dead, she dropped his head, wiping her dagger clean on his clothes as Sam, Dean, Bobby and Tamara walked in.

Jenny looked up at them, but no expression appeared on her face. "Jen, what did you do?" Dean asked, pushing his way through the small group. Jenny looked down at her dagger, then at Envy. "Jennifer!"

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