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"We don't get many folks from HQ down here." The suited man chuckled as Dean, Sam and Jenny follow him down the stairs and along a hallway.

"Yes, well the main office mentioned that there would be a lunch." Sam gave Dean a bitchface at his comment as Jenny held back a snicker. Dean shrugged at his brother as the man continued talking.

"Well I'm sure we can arrange something. The man you wanna be speaking to is right this..." The man trailed off as both Jenny and Sam swatted at a fly. "I know, sorry. We've got something of a hygiene issue down here if you ask me."

The man shook his head in disappointment before entering the basement office. "Stewie? What did I tell you about keeping this place clean." Jenny looked at the packets and junk food that was strewn around the room. She turned to the large consoles with multiple screens, slapping her hand over her eyes to avoid seeing multiple porn advertisements.

Stewie jumped as he frantically tried to clear away all of the pop ups. "Spam mail...spam mail..."

"Stewie Myers. Mr and Mrs Campbell. Mr Raimi." The man gestured to the three hunters, then to Stewie. Dean nudged Jenny and she slowly lowered her hand, turning away from the screens as he was still trying to clear them.

"I don't know how all this got here..." Stewie laughed nervously, and the man flicked Stewie on the back of his head. Stewie jumped again.

"From headquarters?" Stewie spun around in his chair, crossing his legs and placed his hands on his lap. He stared at Jenny for a moment before Dean whistled to get his attention. "Give these three whatever they need." Stewie nodded quickly as the man left. Jenny turned to the now closed door, then back to Stewie.

"So... can I help you?" Stewie cleared his throat. Dean looked over to the door to make sure the man had really left before turning back to the seated man.

"" Jenny blurted out with a raised brow. Dean's brows rose and she turned to him. "What? We've all seen it."

Stewie started awkwardly laughing. "What? No. No that wasn't—"

"Oh, me so horny." Stewie's awkward smile dropped as the trio's brows raised at the computer. Another pop up revealed it was the website.

Stewie clicked his keyboard again. "Maybe."

"Right, anyway. We're here to trace a number?" Sam said as Jenny handed Stewie a piece of paper. He frowned at it in confusion, looking back up to the Hunters.

"Where did you get this?"

"Off caller I.D." Sam answered a little bluntly, looking like he wanted to get out of this awkward situation more than Jenny.

Stewie shook his head. "Oh no, that's impossible."

"It hasn't been used in a few years, we know." Dean rolled his eyes, and Stewie scoffed.

"A few years? It's prehistoric. Trust me, nobody is using this number anymore."

"Sure. Could you run it anyway?" Sam flashed a forced smile as Stewie gave the three a snarky look.

"Sure. Why don't I just rearrange my whole life first." Sam, Dean and a jenny all shared a look before Jenny sighed in annoyance, stepping closer to Stewie. She leaned forward slightly, but not close enough that his gross scent overwhelmed her.

"Stewie. Listen." Stewie stared down Jenny's shirt for a moment before she flicked him aggressively between his eyes. "Keep staring and I'll have my fiancé drag you out back." Stewie snapped his head to look at Jenny's face, glancing to Dean. He flashed a threatening smile to Stewie. "You've got about six different kinds of employee code violations just sitting at this desk. There's probably more porn on your hard drive than there is actual work. Now, do what my partner says..." Jenny trailed off before raising her voice. "And run the number!"

Jenny stepped back to Sam and Dean and fixed her jacket, the three Hunters giving Stewie hard looks. He glanced worriedly between them before turning back around to his console. Dean turned to Jenny.

"I can still beat his ass, right?" He asked quietly, looking to Stewie when he noticed the made had froze for a moment. Jenny tilted her head, thinking.

"Scare him if you want. We don't need you to be a Red Notice." She spoke lowly. Dean nodded in agreement. Stewie went back to pressing more buttons before one of his screens filled with a long list of numbers.

"Holy crap." He mumbled, catching their attention.

"What?" Sam spoke first, and Stewie gestured to the screens

"I can't tell you where the number comes from, but I can tell you where it's been going." Stewie clicked the print button and stood up, passing the three to get to his printer. Dean flinched forward at Stewie and the man jumped, throwing his hands up slightly as he hurried to his printer.

"What do you mean?" Sam continued to ask as Stewie grabbed the paper and handed it to him.

"Ten different number in the past few weeks, all got calls from the same number." Stewie looked between Sam, Dean and Jenny as they stared at each other, then sighed and walked between the three back to his console. He sat down and stared at it for a moment, then turned back to the Hunters.

"So, are we done here? Cause I was.... sort of... busy?" Stewie gestured to his screen. Sam and Dean shared an uncomfortable look as Jenny shook her head, slowly grimacing and walked out the door.


Jenny and Dean walked down a street as they headed to the Impala, Dean pressing his phone to his ear. " Dude, stiffs have been calling people all over town." Dean said to Sam on the phone as he and Jenny crossed the street to the next sidewalk.

"Jen and I just talked to an 84 year old grandmother who's having phone sex with her husband, who died in Korea!" Jenny shivered, shaking her head.

"I don't think I've ever hated a conversation more than that one." Jenny mumbled and Dean turned to her, nodding in agreement.

"It redefined my understanding of the word 'Necrophilia'." A woman walking past Dean and Jenny gasped, giving the two a dirty look. Jenny and Dean paused awkwardly, glancing to one another before continuing.

"Maybe you should work in your phone call voice." Jenny suggested and Dena rolled his eyes. The two reached the Impala as Dean kept talking to Sam.

"Beats me, but we'd better find out soon. This place is turning into spook central."

"You're telling me. That old ladies house was radiating with... horny old ghost." Jenny paused at the passenger door of the Impala, looking uncomfortable. "I don't think I worded that right."

"Definitely not." Dean commented, turning back to his phone. "Yeah. Bye, Sam." Jenny and Dean got into the Impala as Dean hung up his phone, only for Jenny's to ring a few seconds later.

"Yeah?" Jenny answered, turning the radio down as Dean started the car.


Her eyes had nearly popped out of her head and her heart stopped beating for a moment. She turned to Dean, who looked and gave her a frown in confusion. She turned back to the windshield.


yes another short chapter bc even tho i said i'd have the finale out on christmas i still don't want this book to end. happy holidays motherfuckers <3 (sorry that was a little aggressive. it's 3 AM.)

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