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Jenny looked around the bathroom of Paul's bedroom, shutting the door and running hands along the walls. She knocked on a few spots, frowning.

She looked in the sink, which was stained red from Janet's blood and Jenny turned away, thinking. She knelt down, opening the cabinet beneath the sink and stuck her head inside, searching.

Jenny reached around, pausing when he hand grabbed something that felt like leather. When she pulled it out, she scoffed at the small hex bag. "Of course it's a damn witch." She mumbled, opening the bathroom door.

She gave Sam and Dean a small nod, gesturing towards the door. "Thank you for your time, Me. Dutton." Sam said as he and his brother stood up, following Jenny out of the house.

"So? What did you find?" Jenny pulled out the hex bag, waving it in the air. Sam sighed. "Great."

"Yep. Bird bones, rabbit teeth. And a cloth that was probably from one of Janet's cloths." Jenny said as she unwrapped the bag again. Dean grimaced.

"Gross. So what are you two thinking? Witch?" Dean asked, Sam and Jenny nodding.

"Yeah. A dangerous one, too. This is dark magic kind of stuff, guys." Jenny frowned as she looked at the open bag, thinking. The three got into the Impala as Jenny took the parts of the hex bag, separating them.

"I hate witches." Dean complained as his brother chuckled in amusement. "They're always spewing their bodily fluids everywhere."

"Pretty much." Sam commented, already looking through Janet Dutton's file.

"It's creepy, you know, it's down right unsanitary." Dean continued to complain as Jenny hummed.

"Yeah, well someone definitely had it out for that woman." Jenny said as she leaned back into her seat.

"Yeah, someone who snuck into that house and planted the bag. So what are we thinking, we're uh, looking for some old craggy Blair bitch in the woods?" Dean turned to Jenny, who laughed.

"Definitely not. I mean, it could literally be anyone. You don't need to have any witchy magic in your bones to make a hex bag." Jenny shrugged. She turned to Dean. "Witches are humans. You just need the right materials for the job."

"Great. How do we find 'em?" Dean rolled his eyes as Sam shook his head.

"This wasn't random; someone in Janet Dutton's life had an ugly axe to grind. We find the motive—"

"We find the murderer." Dean finished his brothers sentence as he started the Impala, driving away.


As Sam, Dean and Jenny were driving down the road, attempting to follow Paul, whom they had lost about ten minutes ago, Jenny looked out her window, watching all of the small stores fly by. She suddenly frowned, noticing Paul was freaking out in his car. "Dean turn the car around!" She yelled, and Dean frowned, making a U-Turn back to the man. "The parking lot."

Dean pulled up into the parking lot just as Paul fell out of his car, hunched over. Jenny ran out of the Impala, throwing the passenger door open if the man's car as she started searching for a hex bag.

Sam and Dean went over to assist Paul, and Dean turned to the car. "Jenny!"

"I found it!" Jenny pulled herself out of the car and grabbed her lighter, quickly lighting the hex bag and dropped it. The bag lit up in a green and blue flame, and Jenny turned back to Sam and Dean as they helped the man stand.

"Are you okay?" Sam asked Paul, who looked severely freaked out.

"What the hell is happening to me?!" Paul screamed as Jenny walked over to the three.

SACRIFICE ³ - DEAN WINCHESTERWhere stories live. Discover now