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Now outside of the museum, Sam, Dean and Jenny walked to the Impala. Jenny kept looking to Sam, who had a horrified expression on his face. "What the hell did that poor old lady do to you?"

"I never want to talk about it." Sam stated quickly, swallowing hard as the three approached the car. "You got it, right? Tell me I didn't get groped all night by Mrs. Havisham for nothing."

"I got it... Mrs. Who?" Dean frowned in confusion, and Sam shook his head.

"Never mind. Just let me see it." Jenny opened her purse, pulling out the cloth and started to unwrap it, an uptight look crossing her face.

"What?" Sam and Dean asked as Jenny held up a champagne bottle, a bitchlook expression on her face. Dean pressed his lips together, shaking his head.

"I'm gonna kill her."


"You know what, you're right. I'm not gonna kill her. I think slow torture's the way to go." Dean stated as the three hunters were back at the house. Jenny threw the champagne glass at the sink, which shattered completely.

"God dammit it!" She yelled, slumping into the kitchen table and held her head in her hands.

"Dean, Jenny's look, you gotta relax." Sam said. Jenny laughed, nodding as she turned to Sam.

"Right! Right. Let's definitely relax after Bela, ONCE AGAIN, stole something from us." She snapped, turning back to the table.

"You." Sam corrected. Jenny slowly turned back to the younger Winchester.


"I...I mean, she got ... one over ... on you, ... not us." Jenny glared at Sam, raising her voice

"Thank you! Sam. Your i out is very helpful." Sam shifted nervously, the three turning as there was a rapid knock in the door.

"Hello? Could you open up?" Bela demanded as Jenny got up from her chair, quickly walking over to the door and threw it open. Jenny's angry looked hardened. "Just let me explain."


Bela sat on the couch. Sam was leaning against the mantle as Jenny stood a few paces away from Bela, her arms crossed right to her chest. Dean was giving Bela an 'I knew it' look, still very angry.

"I sold it. I had a buyer lined up as soon as I knew it existed." Dean walked behind the couch, making a shooting motion with his finger to the back of the British woman's head. Jenny nodded quickly in agreement

"So the whole reason for us going to the charity ball was just to use us?" Bela nodded slowly, shrugging.

"You were convenient." Jenny pressed her lips together, nodding.

"I'm going to get my gun." Jenny started to walk off, Sam rushing over to stop her. She huffed angrily, plopping herself on a chair.

"Look, you sold it to a buyer. Just go buy it back." Sam suggested. Bela shook her head.

"It's halfway across the ocean. I can't get it back in time."

"In time for what?" Dean frowned as Bela looked down, quiet for a moment.

"He asked you a question, Bela." Jenny spat, raising her brows at Bela.

"I saw the ship."

"You what?" There was a long pause, Jenny'a look softening. "Wow, you know, I – I knew you were an immoral thieving con artist bitch, but just when I thought my opinion of you couldn't get any lower—"

SACRIFICE ³ - DEAN WINCHESTERWhere stories live. Discover now