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Jenny stared at the large amount of presents under the poorly made tree with wide eyes. In the last 9 years she had lived with Bobby, nothing could have prepared her for this Christmas day.

Bobby walked up next to Jenny, smiling softly. "I know we don't usually have this many gifts for each other, but you've been here almost a decade, Jenny. Thought I'd make it special for you."

Jenny grinned brightly, hugging Bobby tightly. "Thank you, Bobby." She whispered before rushing over to the tree. She grabbed a small box first, walking back to Bobby and handed it to him. "I didn't get you a lot because I don't have money, so I used all the money I had and got this for you."

Bobby raised a brow at Jenny before slowly taking the box, sitting down. "Hurry up! Open it!" Jenny sat across from Bobby, still smiling. Bobby was slow to open the gift, taking out a small collage book. "I know it's not something that you could use everyday, and it will probably collect dust, but it has all the photos i've taken over the last few years."

Bobby smiled warmly at the pictures in the book, which were mostly of Jenny, Sam and Dean, with only a few being of Bobby in the worst cases. He looked up at Jenny. "It's really nice, Jenny. Thank you."

There were a few knocks at the door, Jenny quickly getting up to go see who it was. Her eyes widened in surprise when Sam and Dean were standing in the doorway. "Sam! Dean! What are you guys doing here?"

"Dad said since there's no Hunts, we should visit. Guess we're having Christmas with you." Dean shrugged as Jenny pulled the two into a hug as John walked up the steps.

"Hey, Jenny-B." John smiled at the young girl, and she gave him one back.

"Good thing you guys are here, then! Because I got you all some gifts for the next time I saw you!"


Dean stared down at the tiny polaroid photo of him and Jenny, a small smile on his face. Jenny suddenly knocked on the car window, startling Dean into tossing it somewhere. "Come on, Dean! Daylight isn't forever."

The three walked up to a very large, white house, glaring at it suspiciously. "This is where Mrs. Wreath lives, huh? Can't you just feel the evil pagan vibe?" Dean asked as Jenny nodded, listening to that all-too-familiar ring in her ears.

"Yep. This is definitely the place." She mumbled before knocking on the door, where Madge answered quickly. Jenny stared at the woman as the ringing got louder.

"Yes?" The short, old woman smiled at the three, confused.

"Please tell me you're the Madge Carrigan who makes the meadowsweet wreaths?" Dean asked as the old woman giggled, nodding.

"Why, yes I am." Dean turned to Sam and Jenny with a smile.

"Ha! Bingo."

"Yeah? Uh, well, we were just admiring your wreaths in Mr. Sylar's place the other day?"  Sam said as Madge smiled.

"You were? Well, isn't that meadowsweet just the finest-smelling thing you ever smelled?"

"Oh, definitely. But... When we went to go buy one ourselves, they were sold out." Jenny pouted, as did Madge.

"Oh, fudge!" Jenny laughed at Madge's lack of cursing,

SACRIFICE ³ - DEAN WINCHESTERWhere stories live. Discover now