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Jenny sat next to Father Gil, who glanced at her with a strange look. "So, the bartender the other night, Casey. You know her pretty well?" Jenny asked. Gil noticed that she seemed tense, scooting away a b it.

"Since she was in pigtails." Gil answered as Sam sat next to Jenny.

"Well, um, she and my boyfriend, ran off together a few hours ago. And I would like to know where they went." Jenny forced a smile, tilting her head as Father Gil took a sip of his drink.

"Well, if they went off together, Casey probably took him to her apartment." Jenny raised her brows at Father Gil, who shrugged.

"Yeah, you see, we went to Casey's apartment, and they weren't there. So, unless you want to meet your precious God a little early..." Jenny leaned forward, whispering. "Tell me where they are."

Gil looked over to Sam, who smiled awkwardly. "She's not in a good mood."

"I can see that." Gil stated, sighing. "Yes, there is a place. Let me get my jacket."

"No, wait, wait, wait, Father. We can do this by ourselves." Sam argued as Father Gil shook his head.

"Son, if Casey's is getting a taken man to sleep with her, then there's nothing to talk about." Jenny nodded in agreement.

"Great. We have the same thought process." Father Gil turned away to grab his jacket.

"Shall we go?"


"So, insurance investigating. You enjoy the work?" Gil asked Sam, who shrugged.

"Yeah. Yeah, yeah, I ... like being able to help people." Sam answered. Gil nodded in understanding, looking at Jenny.

"And what do you do? I'm sure you don't just follow these boys around for nothing."

"I'm just here for a good time. Not a long one, though." Jenny looked at Gil through the rear view mirror, turning away quickly.

"Ever think about doing anything else, Sam?" Gil asked. Jenny and Sam shared a look, though hers looked more worried than his.

"Like what?"

"Mmm, anything. You seem like a pretty smart kid. Somehow I see you out in front of the pack...... You could do some great things." Father Gil smiled. Sam stared ahead as he drove, unsure.

"I don't know. I like doing what I'm doing, I guess."

"This house right here." Sam pulled up to a small house on the corner of a street, looking out for a moment before Jenny hopped out of the car. Father Gil stayed in for a moment while Sam and Jenny met up front.

"He's a demon." Jenny whispered, Sam frowning in confusion.

"What? Are you sure?"

"You didn't see his damn eyes in the car?" She frowned when Sam shook his head. "Okay. I don't think he knows we know yet. Let's keep it that way."

Sam slowly nodded, turning to the house. "Dean?!" He called out, cupping his hands to his mouth. "Dean!"

Gil, Jenny and Sam all walked up to the house, Sam pouring in the door. "Dean!"

"Sam!? Jen!" Dean's voice echoed from somewhere in the house, Sam and Jenny sharing a look.

"Dean?" Jenny and Sam rushed around the side of the house, noticing a grate near the ground.

"Down here! The basement caved in!" Jenny leaned over the grate, a look of relief washing over Dean's face. "I am so happy to see you."

"What the fuck were you doing with Casey?" Jenny asked, pausing when she spotted the corner of a devils trap. "Ooooh. Okay. Sit tight, we'll be down there soon.

"How did you guys even find me? My phone has no service." Dean questioned as Jenny paused.

"We're here with the Father." Sam answered, Jenny going to continue.

"Whose a dem—" Her sentence was cut off, Sam getting flung back as Father Gil, daunting black eyes, used his abilities to throw Jenny into the air next. She landed on Gil's station wagon, breaking the windshield in. Jenny groaned in pain, rolling off and onto the grass.

A shot fired just past Father Gil's head, destroying a small statute. Jenny looked up from the ground to see Bobby standing in front of her, aiming the Colt at Gil. Gil wasted no time thrown it Bobby to the ground, leaving to blow the door off of Casey's home.

"Bobby, you all right?" Jenny asked as she slowly sat up, groaning in pain. Bobby nodded.

"How did you know where we—" Bobby handed Sam the rebuilt Colt before he could finish his sentence, gesturing to the door.

"Go!" Bobby demanded. Sam and Jenny looked at one another, confused as the brunette stood up, leaning against the car.

Suddenly, Ruby appeared from around the corner, Jenny's eyes widening in shock. "You heard the man. Go."

"Jenny, let's go." Sam said as he started to run to the house. Jenny grumbled something in pain before following after Sam.

Jenny heard a gunshot as she rushed down the stairs to the basement, landing just in time to see Father Gil drop dead. Sam aimed the Colt at Casey.

"Sam don't—!" Before Dean could stop Sam, he pulled the trigger, shooting Casey and whatever demon was inside of her dead.

"What happened to saving the possessed people?" Jenny slapped Sam's arm before rushing over to Dean, hugging him tightly.


Jenny waved to Bobby as he drove off, Sam and Dean approaching her as she stood by the Impala. "Okay. Next case. I think I saw something about a vampire nest—"

"Jenny." Dean interrupted, Jenny closing her mouth. "Sam told me about the talisman." Jenny's eyes flickered to Sam, who had a guilty expression on his face.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Jenny shrugged, laughing as Dean deadpanned at her.

"Jen... You're right. You can't use that thing it could kill you!"

"And if I don't use it, you'll die!"

"What, so I'm supposed to live while I have to watch you die?" Dean yelled as Jenny raised her hands up.

"Yes!" She hollered, dropping her arms at Sam and Dean's reaction. She wasn't surprised that they looked angry, sad. "I don't know if you two noticed recently, but my mind has been on the mends. I've been way more irrational, angry, I've cried more these last few months than I have the last few years. I'm not really 'save the world' material."

"Of course you are, Jenny! You killed Azazel!"

"Who?" Sam and Jenny asked, frowning. Dean looked between the two.

"Yellow eyes. That's not the point. Jenny, you were willing to kill your own brother to save the entire world. God knows I can't do that." Dean scoffed, gesturing to himself. "You can't kill yourself just so I can live, okay? You need to stop trying."

Jenny shook her head. "I'm not going to stop, Dean. And neither is Sam you know that. And if someone else has to die just so you can live..." Jenny shrugged, opening the backseat. "Then you better believe I won't think twice."

is jenny admitting again that she would kill an innocent person to save sam and dean? yeah. is it kind of intimidating, hot and scary? definitely.

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