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Jenny, Sam and Dean sat together in the Impala as Dean zoomed down the road. He looked angry. Maybe infuriated. His hands were gripping the wheel tightly, and Jenny kept glancing to him, waiting.

"You tried to cut me out of the deal?! Knowing that Sam could die!" Dean finally snapped, Jenny and Sam flinching.

"Dean, I had it under control! Sam is fine. You are.... Alive right now." Jenny argued, smiling awkwardly as Dean scoffed.

"Sam could have died because of the stunt you pulled!"

"Okay, Dad. Thanks for clarifying what I already know!" Jenny scoffed, turning to Sam. "Thanks for snitching, by the way."

"Well Dean had to know you were risking everything!" Sam pitched in as Jenny rolled her eyes.

"Please. I wasn't going to tell him that you snuck out if your motel room last night to do the same damn thing, but you were going to end up killing the demon!" Dean's eyes widened and he looked at Sam in the rear view mirror. Sam grumbled something under his breath.

"Did you get me out of the deal?" Dean asked Jenny, who sunk into her seat, defeated. Dean sighed.

"No. She's not the one that actually holds your contract. She has a boss." Sam and Dean frowned at Jenny.

"Did she say who it was?" Sam asked, a hopeful look flashing in his eyes for a moment before it washed away as Jenny shook her head.

"No. If she did, I'd be doing something about it." Jenny griped, crossing her arms.

"Well, we should find out who. Of course, our best lead would be the Crossroads Demon." Dean suggested as Jenny scoffed.

"I think after threatening to kill her, she's not going to want to tell us who she works for." She stated, turning to Sam and Dean. "But... I may have a way on how to find out who she works for."

Sam and Dean both paused, turning to Jenny. "How?" They asked in unison. Jenny stayed quiet for a moment, questioning if she was making the right choice with how she wanted to go about this.

Slowly, Jenny pulled out the grimoire that she had been hiding between the door and her seat. Dean's eyes widened. "Is that a grimoire?!"

"Yes, but it's not as bad as you think, Dean."

"How can it not be bad?! Those things are filled with dark magic, Jen! You're messing with dangerous stuff! I mean, the talisman, this book—"

"I've only read it, Dean! I've never used it." Jenny swore, opening the book to a page close to the end. "This is a summoning spell. It can summon anything you want. Maybe if I use it—"

"No, Jennifer! Absolutely not!" Dean interrupted loudly, Jenny frowning at him.

"Dean if I can explain—"

"No! You're not using that damn book, and that's that! I told you both to stop trying to save me!" Jenny glanced to Sam, hoping he'd have something to say.

Sam stayed quiet for a moment, frowning. "You're my brother, Dean. Jenny's boyfriend. And no matter what you do, we're gonna try and save you. And I'm sure as hell not gonna apologize for it, all right?" Dean glanced to Sam in the rear view mirror, silent for a long time.

"You're not using that book." Dean repeated quietly as Jenny shut the grimoire, turning away.


Jenny sat in the Impala, staring at the summoning spell in the grimoire. Nine months. That's how long Jenny had to make a decision. Dying for Dean.

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