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Sam, Dean and Jenny were walking quickly through an alley, shining flashlights around and machetes drawn.

"Ugh. Gross." Jenny grimaced as she lifted her boot, which was now soaked in blood at the bottom. The three hunters turned to where the trail led, finding a man lying bleeding but conscious on the ground. There was a gaping wound on his neck, which had soaked most of his arm.

"Hey, hey. Don't worry. We're gonna call you some help, okay?" Sam reassured as he went to pull out his phone. Dean knelt next to hkm.

"Where is she? Where'd she go?" The man, gurgling on his own blood, gestured vaguely down the alley. As Sam stayed with the man, Dean and Jenny rushed off, deeper into the alley.

"You see her?" Dean asked, Jenny shaking her head. She turned to Dean when she heard him groan in pain, eyes widening as she watched him slice his arm with the machete. "Smell that?! Come and get it!" Dean yelled, Jenny whipping her head around as a young woman emerged from a side alley. Most of her face was covered in blood. "That's right. Come on. I smell good, don't I? I bet I taste even better." Jenny took a step back, hiding the machete behind her back as Dean dropped his. "Come on! Free lunch!" As the vampire lunged at Dean, Jenny tackled her to the ground, sinking a needle into the vampires neck.

The woman convulsed underneath Jenny for a moment before suddenly stopping, unconscious.
Sam ran up to them and Jenny stood up, panting.

"Cutting it a little close, don't you think?" Sam asked, gesturing to Dean's bleeding arm. Jenny picked up Dean's machete, handing it to him.

"Ah ... that's just chum in the water. Worked, didn't it?" Sam and Jenny shared a concerned look, and Dean turned to his arm, frowning in pain. "Ow."


In a much a dingier room than the the trio usually occupied, old mattresses lined the walls, blocking out all external light. The vampire, whose face is still covered with blood, is tied to a chair in the middle of the room. Sam stood over the vampire as Jenny and Dean sat at the kitchen table, where Jenny was wrapping up Dean's arm.

"Ow, that's a little tight." Dean hissed, grunting as Jenny only tightened it more.

"You want it to stop bleeding, right?" She asked, looking up at him. Dean stayed quiet, sighing through his nose. The two stood up. walking over to the vampire as she stirred awake.

"You with us?" Dean asked as she woke up fully, struggling against her bonds. "Oh, yeah, sorry. You're not going anywhere."

"Where's your nest?" The vampire looked up at Sam, confused.


"Your nest... where you and your bloodsucking pals hang out." Dean reiterated, but the vampire still looked confused.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Sam, Dean and Jenny all shared an annoyed look, rolling their eyes. "Please! I don't feel good."

"Yeah, well, you're gonna feel a shit ton  worse if we give you another shot of dead man's blood." Jenny leaned in her legs, staring directly at the vampire.

"Just let me go." The woman begged, Jenny's gaze hardened.

"Sorry, can't do that. Not unless you tell us where your nest is." The vampire shook her head.

"I'm telling you the truth. I'm just... I took something. I'm freaking out! I don't know what's going on!"

"You took something?" Sam raised a brow. The vampire nodded quickly, freaking out even more.

"Yes! I can't... come down. I just want to come down."

"What's your name?"

"Lucy. Please." Lucy turned back to Jenny. "Just let me go."

SACRIFICE ³ - DEAN WINCHESTERWhere stories live. Discover now