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Dean carried Jenny's bloodied body out of the house with a shattered heart. Sam and Bobby were waiting outside.

"No." Bobby shook his head in disbelief. He watched as blood dripped from Jenny's limp fingers and he began to cry. "NO!"

Dean didn't meet Bobby's eyes that were so filled with tears and anger. He wanted to lash out at Dean, blame him for this so badly, but he knew Jenny wouldn't want him to. He knew she didn't want him to blame Dean.

"Sam..." Dean's voice broke through the silence. Sam tilted his head up as Dean stood in front of the backseat door to the Impala. "Open the door for me.. Please."

Sam walked towards the door and opened it for his brother. Dean slid into the backseat with Jenny, cradling her tight to his chest as Sam closed the door.

Dean stared ahead, red eyed and puffy as more quiet tears slipped from his hazy eyes. Sam got into the drivers seat and looked back at Dean. He couldn't even flash his brother a reassuring smile, his cheeks were so shiny with tears. He just wanted to cry even more.

Dean looked to his brother, then turned his head down to Jenny. He has been rubbing his thumb back and forth against her cheek. Her body was getting cold. Bobby stared at the two from outside, failing to not sob.

Sam stared at his brother through the mirror again, more tears in his eyes. "She's gone, Sammy..." Dean cried, caressing his fiancé's hair.

Oh how he blamed himself for this night.


Dean watched as Sam patted the last of the dirt. He backed away to join his brother and Bobby. Bobby stared at the cross for a long time. At the knife that was stabbed into the grass. Jenny's knife. The one he gave her.

They all knew exactly what to say about Jennifer Price. Jennifer Winchester. They were the ones that knew her best. They know that she couldn't stand black coffee. How it had to have some cream or sugar in it just so she'd have even the ti jest sip. How she preferred whiskey or vodka. Beer over scotch. They know she loved calico cats, and those spikey plants you'd see in a grocery store that were severely neglected. She loved the night sky. She was incredibly smart for a high school drop out. She loved that giant stuffed dragon with the Sam indent. She loved the Impala.

She wanted those "as seen on tv" toys just to see if they worked like the tv said. She wanted to be a mother. She knew so many different languages that no one knew where she learned them or when.

She hated being a Hunter, but she never stopped because she loved the thrill. She loved helping people. But she hated always getting hurt. But it was worth it for the people.

She hated goodbyes.

Bobby looked down at the tiny bouquet of magnolia flowers in his hands. Jenny's favorite. He rested them against the cross.

"I can't stay here anymore." Bobby walked away first without another word. Dean still stood in front of the cross, staring at it longingly. Sam looked to his brother.

"I'm sorry, Dean." Sam whispered, placing a comforting hand on his brothers shoulder before walking through the trees. Back to the road.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, too." He said quietly, shaking his head. "Now I see who the real hypocrite was." Dean chuckled, wiping away a tear. He stayed quiet for a moment and looked back at the grave.

"You promised me. That you would never do this. I told you to let me go, Jen. Now I see why you were so angry at me." Dean looked around the woods, more tears filling his eyes. "I can't believe I was going to make you feel like this."

He stayed quiet. For so long. So fucking long. "I can't do this without you, Jen." His voice broke, more tears falling. "What am I supposed to do without you? I can't..." Dean took in a deep breath as he attempted to calm down.

"I was going to leave you. God... I can't believe that. And now you left me and I— I don't know what to do." Dean covered his face as he cried into his hands, shaking his head.

After a moment, Dean slowly stood a little straighter, looking at the cross. "I can't live without you, Jennifer. It should have been me. I should be the one in that grave." He snapped through his tears. "I should be the dead one, not you!" Dean pointed, stopping to look at the engagement ring in his hand.

Again, Dean was quiet. All of those happiest memories he could dream of, they were all with Jenny. Her in that wedding dress was supposed to happen. They should have gotten married.

Dean got onto his knees, resting on his feet as he looked at his ring. He fidgeted with it.

"I'll always love you." He whispered before taking off the ring and set it on the cross. He stood for a moment, holding the wood.

After a moment, he remembered the bloodied paper. He fished it out from his pockets, opening it slowly. His eyes flickered through the words as his face contorted to more sadness, tears now flooding down his face. He shut his eyes tightly as he finished the letter, full sobs leaving his throat as he collapsed again, resting his head in the grass.

He couldn't do it. He couldn't live like this. Not without someone like Jenny. How was he supposed to? He had known her all his life.

And now he had to remember her for longer than she had known her.

The girl he would call his soulmate was in a place he would rather be. But right now, it felt like he was. He was going to live in Hell for the rest of his life without Jennifer Price.

The woman he was supposed to marry.

That was the first time Dean ever prayed that Jennifer Winchester would come back to him.

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